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Members holding SD (Insolvency) can enjoy membership benefits and services for:



Hong Kong Institute of CPAs

As a member of the Institute, you are entitled to the membership benefits which include:




Restructuring and insolvency faculty (RIF)

For a member awarded or renewing the SD (Insolvency), commencing on a 1 July, who joins or renews his membership of the RIF, the faculty membership fee is waived for one year beginning on that 1 July.  


Membership of RIF provides benefits and services to its members:

  • Discounted rate on events and activities specially for RIF: Monthly lunch seminars, occasional dinner talks and luncheons, annual cocktail reception, site visits, symposium, full-day seminars, etc
  • E-newsletter, "The IP's voice", keeps RIF members informed of the work of the RIF Executive Committee, RIF activities, legal and regulatory updates and news about developments in the world of insolvency and restructuring
  • Networking among insolvency practitioners

For further details of RIF, please read the information sheet.



INSOL International

RIF is one of the member associations of INSOL International, the International Association of Restructuring, Insolvency and Bankruptcy Professionals. Members of RIF form the membership base of INSOL International and are entitled to the membership benefits of INSOL International, including:

  • Preferential rates to attend both the Quadrennial Congress and regional annual conferences
  • Discounted rate on one-day seminars held by INSOL in various destinations to provide educational cross-border programmes
  • Discounted rate on International Insolvency Review, a publication/journal containing technical articles on many aspects of international insolvency, published three times a year
  • Receive INSOL publications and e-newsletter (quarterly members' newsletter, INSOL World and monthly electronic newsletter) free of charge
  • Access to members-only section of INSOL website which contains congress and judicial papers, together with articles and links to other sites
  • Access to the global insolvency website, which is hosted by the American Bankruptcy Institute on behalf of the INSOL member associations which provides INSOL members with a comprehensive overview of global insolvency issues
  • Access to membership directory
  • Access to INSOL office which provides a base for meetings if a member is in London
  • Access to library which provides archive files of conference papers