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Accountants taking on climate change

28 June 2017

How we can integrate global warming issues into long-term decision-making processes for companies


(HONG KONG, 28 June 2017) Regardless of one’s belief about the causes, global warming is a reality – this was the message conveyed by a recent survey of finance leaders that reveals the impact of global warming on the environment and business operations. A Plus finds out from Hong Kong CPAs how they can address the environmental issues affecting their companies.


While China’s Belt and Road initiative is heavy on mega-projects, Hong Kong can position itself to provide vital “soft” infrastructure such as corporate, financial, accounting, legal, insurance, and risk management services. CPAs talk about the possible opportunities brought by this US$900 billion building boom.


In December 2016, the European organization for accountants, auditors and advisors, FEE, changed its name to Accountancy Europe, setting out its new philosophy highlighting that professional accountants make numbers work for people. President Edelfried Schneider tells us how the organization is supporting and advocating for a million professional accountants in the continent.


Cruise lines operator Genting Hong Kong is pinning its future on Mainland China’s emerging middle and upper classes as a new generation of passengers. Chief Financial Officer and Executive Vice President of Financial Services Joyce Tan, also an Institute member, explains how she helps steer the company full steam ahead.


The mark of a great speaker is someone who can effortlessly tell a story to fascinate the audience. Several Institute members, who are veteran public speakers, share how to master the art of delivering a great speech.


Check out the latest A Plus for the above stories.







(香港,二零一七年六月二十八日)不管人們對氣候變化的成因有何看法,全球變暖是一個現實──這是最近一次金融領袖意見調查帶出的訊息,該調查亦反映全球暖化正為環境和商業運作帶來影響。A Plus 訪問了香港會計師,了解他們如何解決就氣候變化影響其公司的問題。


在中國「一帶一路」倡議大型項目建設下,香港可以發揮其獨特優勢,如提供企業、財務、會計、法律、保險,及風險管理等服務。會計師為我們剖析這 9000 億美元建造業市場所帶來的機遇。


2016 12 月,代表歐洲會計師、核數師和相關顧問的組織由 FEE 更名為Accountancy Europe。新組織的理念強調專業會計師應以數據為人們服務。會長Edelfried Schneider 告訴我們該組織是如何支援歐洲大陸的 100 萬名專業會計師及代表他們在重要議題上發聲。






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