請閱背頁附註Please read notes overleaf 香港會計師公會第三十四屆周年大會理事會選舉提名表格Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants Nomination form for election to Council at the 34th A.G.M. 根據《專業會計師附例》第2條提名1位或以上會計師加入香港會計師 ...
「UIC精英计划」申请表个人信息姓名: (中文) 性别: 姓名: (英文) 出生年月: 电话: 个人邮箱地址: (非学校电邮地址,方便毕业后联系) 家庭地址: 学习情况现就读年级和专业: 成绩排名(GPA): 是否获得任何奖项: Please state the reasons why the Institute should select you as one of the participan ...
HKICPA_HKABE Joint Scholarship_2021-22_Regulations
Regulations on HKICPA/HKABE Joint Scholarships for BAFS 香港會計師公會/香港商業教育學會「企會財」獎學金規章Objective: The aim of the scholarships is to recognize secondary students who have achieved an excellent result in the ...
HKICPA_HKABE Joint Scholarship_2022 - 23_Regulations
Regulations on HKICPA/HKABE Joint Scholarships for BAFS 香港會計師公會/香港商業教育學會「企會財」獎學金規章Objective: The aim of the scholarships is to recognize secondary students who have achieved an excellent result in the ...
HKICPA_HKABE Joint Scholarship_2023 - 24_Regulations
Regulations on HKICPA/HKABE Joint Scholarships for BAFS 香港會計師公會/香港商業教育學會「企會財」獎學金規章Objective: The aim of the scholarships is to recognize secondary students who have achieved an excellent result in the ...
Bilingual Readers
The May Moon books Starting in 2006, the Institute began to publish a series of books for children. The first set, called The May Moon Money-Wise Box Set (or the Chinese version《美滿的財智》親子理財書册), include ...
The Specialists_Marketing Body Check Plan
地址: 九龍旺角彌敦道625 & 639 號雅蘭中心1 期20 樓Address: 20/F, Office Tower One, Grand Plaza, 625 & 639 Nathan Road, Mongkok, Kowloon Website:香港會計師公會優惠體檢項目Health Check Items 女士健康檢 ...
中文版中国会计准则委员会与香港会计师公会关于内地企业会计准则与香港财务报告准则等效的联合声明附件一的附录1 内地企业会计准则体系___________________________________________________________________ 企业会计准则——基本准则(中华人民共和国财政部第33号令) 企业会计准则——具体准则第1-38号(财会[2006]3号) • 企业会计准 ...
中国审计准则委员会与香港会计师公会关于内地审计准则与香港审计准则等效的联合声明附件二等效的持续维持机制___________________________________________________________________ 中国审计准则委员会与香港会计师公会承诺支持高质量的国际审计准则,并一致认为趋同是一个持续过程。双方表达了基于持续基础与国际审计准则趋同,并进行持续的等效跟踪的意向 ...
1/F, Dance Union, North Point Industrial Building, 499 King’s Road, North Point. 香港北角英皇道499號北角工業大厦一樓
4/F, Bel Trade Commercial Building, 3 Burrows Street, Wanchai, Hong Kong. (香港灣仔巴路士街3號百營商業大厦4樓全層)
新光宴會廳Hsin Kuang Banquet Hall 黃大仙龍翔道120號新光中心2樓(2/F, Hsin Kuang Centre, 120 Lung Cheung Rd., Wong Tai Sin)
喜來登舞蹈尖沙咀加拿芬道25-31號國際商業信貸銀行大廈13樓(13th Floor, BCC Building, 25-31 Carnarvon Road, TST)
百樂會尖沙咀加拿芬道25-31號國際商業信貸銀行大廈9樓(9th Floor, BCC Building, 25-31 Carnarvon Road, TST)
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Sports & Recreation Night 2016 Come party and celebrate with CPA sportsmen! The annual Sports and Recreation Night will be held on Friday, 5 August at The Grand Stage (大舞臺), Western Market, Sheung ...
Sports & Recreation Night 2016 Come party and celebrate with CPA sportsmen! The annual Sports and Recreation Night will be held on Friday, 5 August at The Grand Stage (大舞臺), Western Market, Sheung ...
Spring Hiking The Sailing Interest Group (SIG) cordially invites you to join its hiking tour at Lantau Island as detailed below: Date: 6 March, Sunday Time: 9:45 am – 5:30 pm Assembly Location: Tung C ...
日期2008年10 月21 日(星期二) 時間下午6:30 – 8:00 地點香港灣仔皇后大道東213 號胡忠大廈27 樓香港會計師公會培訓中心主講嘉賓杜偉強律師事務所高級合夥人暨北京代表處首席代表 杜偉強律師杜偉強律師事務所北京代表處經理、中國法律顧問 陳嵐律師主席香港會計師公會內地業務關注組副召集人 胡勁恒先生研討會內容港人與內地公民結婚、開設銀行賬戶、購買內地房產等重要資產的情況日益普遍。如 ...
日期2008年10月21日(星期二) 時間下午6:30 – 8:00 地點香港灣仔皇后大道東213號胡忠大廈27 樓香港會計師公會培訓中心主講嘉賓杜偉強律師事務所高級合夥人暨北京代表處首席代表 杜偉強律師杜偉強律師事務所北京代表處經理、中國法律顧問 陳嵐律師主席香港會計師公會內地業務關注組副召集人 胡勁恒先生研討會內容港人與內地公民結婚、開設銀行賬戶、購買內地房產等重要資產的情況日益普遍。如果這些 ...
1 Dear Assignment/News/Business Editor, Keep GST on the Table, says Hong Kong Institute of CPAs Other options are worth considering (HONG KONG, 29 March 2007) – The Hong Kong Institute of CPAs says th ...
1 Dear Assignment/News/Business Editor, Majority of Accountants Say Hong Kong has Fiscal Problems Split on Ways to Mend This (HONG KONG, 14 December 2006) — The majority of accountants in Hong Kong (7 ...
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Cover letter of AGM
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Cover letter of AGM
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Cover letter of AGM
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