“臨時執行審計業務許可證臨時執行審計業務許可證臨時執行審計業務許可證臨時執行審計業務許可證臨時執行審計業務許可證臨時執行審計業務許可證”聯繫資料聯繫資料請參閱以下相關資料: 關於下放境外會計師事務所在中國內地臨時執行審計業務審批項目有關政策銜接問題的通知(2014年1月1日) 關於適當簡化港澳會計師事務所來內地臨時執行審計業務申請材料的通知(2012年9月4日) [附申請表] 境外會計師事務 ...
Membership admission To become a member of the Institute, a candidate has to satisfy the following requirements: (i) hold a degree or equivalent qualification accredited or recognized by the Institute ...
Membership admission To become a member of the Institute, a candidate has to satisfy the following requirements: (i) hold a degree or equivalent qualification accredited or recognized by the Institute ...
Membership admission To become a member of the Institute, a candidate has to satisfy the following requirements: (i) hold a degree or equivalent qualification accredited or recognized by the Institute ...
Membership admission To become a member of the Institute, a candidate has to satisfy the following requirements: (i) hold a degree or equivalent qualification accredited or recognized by the Institute ...
Membership admission To become a member of the Institute, a candidate has to satisfy the following requirements: (i) hold a degree or equivalent qualification accredited or recognized by the Institute ...
911r2_InfoSheet_Feb 2023_EN
Membership admission To become a member of the Institute, a candidate has to satisfy the following requirements: (i) hold a degree or equivalent qualification accredited or recognized by the Institute ...
i contents (8/22) MEMBERS' HANDBOOK CONTENTS OF VOLUME II (Updated to August 2022) Section 1: Effective for accounting periods beginning on or after 1 January 2022 PREFACE AND FRAMEWORK Issue/(Rev ...
911r5_InfoSheet_May 2023_EN
Membership admission To become a member of the Institute, a candidate has to satisfy the following requirements: (i) hold a degree or equivalent qualification accredited or recognized by the Institute ...
Membership admission To become a member of the Institute, a candidate has to satisfy the following requirements: (i) hold a degree or equivalent qualification accredited or recognized by the Institute ...
2023-2d FCP EnrolForm
2023-2d FCP EnrolForm.docx 1 Notes: 1. Workshops are held face-to face. Each workshop is 6 hours, runs from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (with one hour lunch break). 2. Case study workshop is held face-to- ...
Membership admission To become a member of the Institute, a candidate has to satisfy the following requirements: (i) hold a degree or equivalent qualification accredited or recognized by the Institute ...
1 Minutes of the 255th meeting of the Ethics Committee held on Friday, 17 March 2023 at 12:30p.m. in Board Room of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants, 37/F., Wu Chung House, 213 Q ...
911r12_InfoSheet_Dec 23r_EN
Membership admission To become a member of the Institute, a candidate has to satisfy the following requirements: (i) hold a degree or equivalent qualification accredited or recognized by the Institute ...
911r12_InfoSheet_Dec 23_EN
Membership admission To become a member of the Institute, a candidate has to satisfy the following requirements: (i) hold a degree or equivalent qualification accredited or recognized by the Institute ...
911r9_InfoSheet_Sep 23_EN
Membership admission To become a member of the Institute, a candidate has to satisfy the following requirements: (i) hold a degree or equivalent qualification accredited or recognized by the Institute ...
1 Minutes of the 411th Meeting of the Auditing and Assurance Standards Committee Date: Tuesday, 17 October 2023 at 8:30 a.m. Location: Board Room of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Account ...
911r10_InfoSheet_Oct 23_EN
Membership admission To become a member of the Institute, a candidate has to satisfy the following requirements: (i) hold a degree or equivalent qualification accredited or recognized by the Institute ...
Membership admission To become a member of the Institute, a candidate has to satisfy the following requirements: (i) hold a degree or equivalent qualification accredited or recognized by the Institute ...
Membership admission To become a member of the Institute, a candidate has to satisfy the following requirements: (i) hold a degree or equivalent qualification accredited or recognized by the Institute ...
Response Template forthe ED OF Proposed NARROW SCOPE AMENDMENTS TO ISQMs, isas and isre 2400 (Revised)Guide for RespondentsComments are requested by April 8, 2024.This template is for providing commen ...
911r1_InfoSheet_Jan 24_EN
Membership admission To become a member of the Institute, a candidate has to satisfy the following requirements: (i) hold a degree or equivalent qualification accredited or recognized by the Institute ...
911r2_InfoSheet_Feb 24_EN
Membership admission To become a member of the Institute, a candidate has to satisfy the following requirements: (i) hold a degree or equivalent qualification accredited or recognized by the Institute ...
911r3_InfoSheet_Mar 24_EN
Membership admission To become a member of the Institute, a candidate has to satisfy the following requirements: (i) hold a degree or equivalent qualification accredited or recognized by the Institute ...
911r11_InfoSheet_Nov 23_EN
Membership admission To become a member of the Institute, a candidate has to satisfy the following requirements: (i) hold a degree or equivalent qualification accredited or recognized by the Institute ...
1 Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Record Form PART I : Summary of CPD Activities for a rolling three-year period from 1 December 2020 to 30 November 2023 (This section is not required for me ...
1 Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Record Form PART I : Summary of CPD Activities for a rolling three-year period from 1 December 2020 to 30 November 2023 (This section is not required for me ...
911r4_InfoSheet_Apr 23_EN
Membership admission To become a member of the Institute, a candidate has to satisfy the following requirements: (i) hold a degree or equivalent qualification accredited or recognized by the Institute ...