HKICPA seminar: Measuring the Fair Value of Non-tradable Financial Assets: issues and examples (re-run) Programme Code: S140331S IFRS 7 requires additional disclosures on the credit risk, market and l ...
China tax updates from the Institute's meeting with the State Administration of Taxation Programme Code: TFS The Institute held an annual liaison meeting with the State Administration of Taxation ...
HKICPA seminar: Trusts Planning with U.S. Beneficiaries Programme Code: TFP140212S Topics include: Overview of US tax system Overview of offshore trust structure Classification of trust under US ta ...
HKICPA seminar: Audit and Tax Considerations for Investment Funds Programme Code: S140124S The speakers will provide an introduction to audit and tax considerations for investment funds, including off ...
HKICPA seminar: Regulations against Insider Dealing – from preventative to proactive Programme Code: S140115S Topics include: What is insider dealing? What harm does it cause? Who are the wrongdoer ...
HKICPA seminar: Corporate Governance: Effective Risk Management and Internal Controls Programme Code: S140122S Nowadays, good corporate governance is not a luxury that companies can ignore. The size, ...
HKICPA seminar: Responsibilities of Reporting Accountants under the New IPO Regime Programme Code: S140108S The Securities and Futures Commission’s new regulations for sponsors came into effect on 1 O ...
HKICPA seminar: The Potential Dangers in the Cyber World Programme Code: S140106S This seminar is intended to appeal to members about the potential dangers in cyber world. Nowadays, technology is beco ...
HKICPA seminar: Corporate Governance Code and Associated Listing Rules (re-run) Programme Code: S131211S Corporate governance is important in enhancing public confidence and trust, promoting competiti ...
HKICPA seminar: Transfer Pricing Updates for Hong Kong and China Programme Code: TFP131111S In this seminar, the speaker will share with participants her insights and observations on the transfer pric ...
VAT reforms in China -The impact on multinational corporations and the future direction of the VAT programme Programme Code: TFS The first phase of the value added tax (VAT) pilot programme has been i ...
HHKKIICCPPAA sseemmiinnaarr:: TThhee CCoonncceepptt ooff IInnssttiittuuttiioonnaall IInntteeggrriittyy MMaannaaggeemmeenntt Programme Code: S131218S Drawing from the lessons of the 2008 global financi ...
HKICPA workshop: Audit of Brokers-Dealers Programme Code: W131120S This workshop will provide an introduction to audits of brokers-dealers which are regulated by the Hong Kong Securities and Futures C ...
Transfer pricing for the financial services industry Programme Code: TFS The significant increase in cross-border activities has made transfer pricing (“TP”) one of the key tax issues faced by multina ...
HKICPA seminar: Legal Privilege: Protection and Pitfall Programme Code: S131031S Topics include: What is legal privilege? Difference between legal advice privilege and litigation privilege Applicat ...
Annual Accounting Update 2013 Programme Code: C131109S Date SSaattuurrddaayy,, 99 NNoovveemmbbeerr 22001133 Time 99::0000 aa..mm.. –– 11::0000 pp..mm.. (Registration starts at 8:30 a.m.) Venue Ballroo ...
IPO Readiness -Internal Control Systems and Corporate Governance Compliance (re-run) Programme Code: S131121S Going public by Initial Public Offering (IPO) is a milestone for market outperformers. Dur ...
Accountants Professional Liability (re-run) Programme Code: S131101S This seminar aims to provide a refresher of accountants' liability exposures. The following about appropriate risk management m ...
TThhee NNeeww HHKKEExx IIPPOO RReeggiimmee OOccttoobbeerr 11,, 22001133 Programme Code: S131021S On July 23, 2013, the Hong Kong Stock Exchange launched a new IPO regime, which will come into effect o ...
China Enterprise Income Tax Updates Programme Code: TFP131122S Updates on Enterprise Income Tax (EIT) controversial issues: Indirect equity transaction Beneficial ownership rules Permanent establis ...
Audit of Authorized Insurance Brokers Programme Code: S131118AS The seminar comprises two parts as follows: (A) Financial statement audit (B) Practice Note 810.1 Relevant regulatory and professional ...
Overview of Financial Due Diligence Programme Code: S131113S This seminar intends to present to the participants an overview of financial due diligence. It will cover the following key areas: What is ...
Annual Auditing Update 2013 "Challenges in the auditing profession" Programme Code: C131026S Date SSaattuurrddaayy,, 2266 OOccttoobbeerr 22001133 Time 99::0000 aa..mm.. –– 11::0000 pp..mm.. ...
Update on Internal Control – COSO Framework, 2013 Programme Code: S131010S The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO)’s Internal Control – Integrated Framework was rel ...
Tapering or not tapering: To be or not to be Programme Code: S131009S What's the world after Quantitative Easing (QE)? In this seminar, the speaker will discuss: Post QE market overview Chinese ...
IT risks that auditors should be aware of Programme Code: S131018S With the increase use of IT systems to maintain and process business and financial data, auditors need to be aware of the common IT r ...
Mergers and Acquisitions: Valuation Matters Programme Code: S131011S During the seminar, the speaker will discuss: Investing in Hong Kong and China Updates about valuation practices in China and pre ...
Managing Risks for Accountants Programme Code: S131030S In this seminar, the speaker will provide information on the Management Accounting Practices (MAP) and Management Accounting Guidelines (MAG) on ...