Update No. 65 (Issued June 2009) This Update contains the first part of the Hong Kong Clarified Pronouncements on Auditing. BACKGROUND ABOUT HONG KONG CLARIFIED PRONOUCEMENTS ON AUDITING: Hong Kong Cl ...
4 January 2006 Our Ref.: C/CFC, M38619 Corporate Finance Division Securities and Futures Commission 8th Floor, Chater House 8 Connaught Road Central Hong Kong Attn.: CO Phase 3 Consultation Dear Sirs, ...
Speaker Mr. Matthew Wu Consultant, Hong Kong Computer Emergency Response Team Coordination Centre ("HKCERT"), Hong Kong Productivity Council Chair Mr. Leroy Yau Member, ITIG Organizing Commi ...
Speaker Mr. Matthew Wu Consultant, Hong Kong Computer Emergency Response Team Coordination Centre ("HKCERT"), Hong Kong Productivity Council Chair Mr. Leroy Yau Member, ITIG Organizing Commi ...
UIC Application Form_160726_1
「UIC 精英计划」申请表个人信息姓名: (中文) 性别: 姓名: (英文) 出生年月: 电话: 个人邮箱地址: (非学校电邮地址,方便毕业后联系) 家庭地址: 学习情况现就读年级和专业: 成绩排名( GPA GPA): 是否获得任何奖项: Please state the reasons why Institute should select you as one of Please state ...
「UIC 精英计划」申请表个人信息姓名: (中文) 性别: 姓名: (英文) 出生年月: 电话: 个人邮箱地址: (非学校电邮地址,方便毕业后联系) 家庭地址: 学习情况现就读年级和专业: 成绩排名( GPA GPA): 是否获得任何奖项: Please state the reasons why Institute should select you as one of Please state ...
UIC Application Form_160726
「UIC 精英计划」申请表个人信息姓名: (中文) 性别: 姓名: (英文) 出生年月: 电话: 个人邮箱地址: (非学校电邮地址,方便毕业后联系) 家庭地址: 学习情况现就读年级和专业: 成绩排名( GPA GPA): 是否获得任何奖项: Please state the reasons why Institute should select you as one of Please state ...
The Institute is organizing a "Meeting Business Partners" gathering to provide an opportunity for members to meet and exchange views with their business partners. At the coming gathering, Me ...
The Institute is organizing a "Meeting Business Partners" gathering to provide an opportunity for members to meet and exchange views with their business partners. At the coming gathering, Me ...
Photography Practice Sessions_April-June 2015_FULL
Photography Practice Sessions The Photography Interest Group (PoIG) has organised a series of practice sessions between April and June for members who wish to practice the shooting skills and techniqu ...
Rowing Courses The Dragon Boat Interest Group is organizing a progressive two-oared sculling training where members are required to take the elementary level (Star 1 & 2) before enroll into the ad ...
Golf Day in Nansha, China The Golf Interest Group (GIG) has organised a golf day in Nansha, China in November. This provides a wonderful opportunity for members to get together and enjoy an outbound g ...
1 New Books in Library (Dec 2009) Title /Author: Accounting, organizations, and institutions : essays in honour of Anthony Hopwood /edited by Christopher S. Chapman, David J. Cooper, and Peter B. Mill ...
Date 28 November 2008 (Friday) Time 8:45 a.m. -5:00 p.m. Venue Theatre, Shatin Clubhouse, Hong Kong Jockey Club (free parking spaces or the Institute’s round-trip coach available) Keynote Speaker Prof ...
Our Ref.: C/EPLM, M29344 17 August 2004 Mr. Stuart Stoker, Secretary, The Law Reform Commission of Hong Kong, 20/F, Harcourt House, 39 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong. Dear Mr. Stoker, Consultatio ...
UIC精英计划申请表-updated on 20160726
「UIC 精英计划」申请表个人信息姓名: (中文) 性别: 姓名: (英文) 出生年月: 电话: 个人邮箱地址: (非学校电邮地址,方便毕业后联系) 家庭地址: 学习情况现就读年级和专业: 成绩排名( GPA GPA): 是否获得任何奖项: Please state the reasons why Institute should select you as one of Please state ...
i Update No. 265 (Issued 28 September 2021) VOLUME III Document Reference and Title Instructions Explanations Contents of Volume III Discard existing pages i, iv and v and replace with the revised pag ...
29 July 2021 To: Members of the Hong Kong Institute of CPAs All other interested parties INVITATION TO COMMENT ON ED PRACTICE NOTE 740 (REVISED) AUDITOR’S LETTER ON CONTINUING CONNECTED TRANSACTIONS U ...
1 New Books in Library (Jun 2010) Business Finance Title /Author: Fixed income securities : valuation, risk, and risk management /Pietro Veronesi Publisher: Hoboken, N. J. : John Wiley & Sons Year ...
Event Detail - MyCPA
Event Detail - MyCPA Event Information Event code OTHR19051801 Language Cantonese Event name Golf Day at Phoenix Hill Golf Club Contact Mr. Eddie Loong (Co-convenor, Golf Interest Group) on 9029-1070; ...
Event Detail - MyCPA
Event Detail - MyCPA Event Information Event code OTHR19102603 Language Cantonese Event name Golf Day at Phoenix Hill Golf Club Contact Mr. Eddie Loong (Co-convenor, Golf Interest Group) on 9029-1070; ...
Event Detail - MyCPA
Event Detail - MyCPA Event Information Event code OTHR19112301 Language Cantonese Event name Golf Day at Phoenix Hill Golf Club Competency Golf Contact Mr. Eddie Loong (Co-convenor, Golf Interest Grou ...
Event Detail - MyCPA
Event Detail - MyCPA Event Information Event code SCPD19080802 Language Cantonese Event name 中國稅務制度簡介 (China Tax Course - Demo Lesson) CPD hours 1.0 Contact 2287-7233 or taxdiploma@hkcipa.org.hk Event ...
Let's party! Dancing is a great way to de-stress and enlarge your social network. Come join the dance fun night to have a glimpse of different types of Ballroom dance, Latin dance and Jazz Funk da ...
Let's party! Dancing is a great way to de-stress and enlarge your social network. Come join the dance fun night to have a glimpse of different types of Ballroom dance, Latin dance and Jazz Funk da ...
Dancing does not only keep your body and mind agile, it is also a great way to de-stress and enlarge your social network. Come and experience yourself at the dance fun night with highlights as follows ...
Dancing does not only keep your body and mind agile, it is also a great way to de-stress and enlarge your social network. Come and experience yourself at the dance fun night with highlights as follows ...
1 Important Notice for Candidates for Council Election 2019 Candidates running for Council Election 2019 should read this document carefully which includes the following sections: A. Personal Informat ...
Important notice for candidates for Council election
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Important notice for candidates for Council election
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Important notice for candidates for Council election-x
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Meeting notes The Guangdong Provincial Local Taxation Bureau and The Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants 2015 This material is intended for use of Institute members and students and Ta ...
Nina Hotel TWW - Chill Out Staycation Apr 2022_DW
Escapescapescapescapescapefrom the hustle andfrom the hustle andfrom the hustle andfrom the hustle andfrom the hustle andfrom the hustle andfrom the hustle andfrom the hustle andfrom the hustle andfro ...
PN 852 (December 03) 1 PRACTICE NOTE 852 REVIEW OF LOTTERY ACCOUNTS (Issued December 2003; revised September 2004, 2015* (name change)) Contents Paragraphs Introduction 1 -7 Engagement letters 8 -15 C ...
FTMS HKICPA QP Module D – Taxation Hong Kong Exam technique seminar on Section B June 2015 These notes/materials are prepared by FTMS Lecturing Team. FTMS Copyright reserved. 2 1. Exam Techniques Befo ...
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友邦保險有限公司AIA Company Limited 香港中環35/F, AIA Central 干諾道中一號1 Connaught Road Central 友邦金融中心三十五樓Hong Kong T: (852) 2832 6166 F: (852) 2838 2005 aia.com AIA Company Limited is incorporated in Hong Kong with ...
麗星郵輪Star Cruises (HK) Ltd. Suite 1501, Ocean Centre, 5 Canton Road, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong V:\Sales\Shared\SC Ship Info\SuperStar Virgo\2014\07 Apr -26 Oct 2014\Close Door Offer Promotion Fly ...
HKICPA Scholarship Secondary Schools 201314
HKICPA Scholarship for Secondary Schools Recipients 2013/2014 NameSchoolChui Wing Hei 徐榮希Aberdeen Baptist Lui Ming Choi CollegeYip Man Wai 葉雯惠AD&FD POHL Leung Sing Tak CollegeLo Hiu Kei 羅曉祈Baptist ...
The Dance Interest Group (DIG) has organised a dance fun night for members to appreciate the fun of dancing. The highlights of the evening include: Latin and Ballroom dancing competitions for members ...