1397_MS_Workshop for Listing on HKEX_190425
1397_MS_Workshop for Listing on HKEX_190425 13 97 _1 90 42 5 Workshops for Listing on HKEX (April to July 2019) The Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing (HKEX) ranked first globally in IPO fundraising fiv ...
1397_MS_Workshop for Listing on HKEX_190425
1397_MS_Workshop for Listing on HKEX_190425 13 97 _1 90 42 5 Workshops for Listing on HKEX (April to July 2019) The Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing (HKEX) ranked first globally in IPO fundraising fiv ...
1397_MS_Workshop for Listing on HKEX_190709_grey
1397_MS_Workshop for Listing on HKEX_190709_grey 13 97 _1 90 70 9 Workshops for Listing on HKEX (April to July 2019) The Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing (HKEX) ranked first globally in IPO fundraisin ...
1397_MS_Workshop for Listing on HKEX_190709_grey
1397_MS_Workshop for Listing on HKEX_190709_grey 13 97 _1 90 70 9 Workshops for Listing on HKEX (April to July 2019) The Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing (HKEX) ranked first globally in IPO fundraisin ...
Basic Financial Ratio Analysis and Implication 2021 Level 12
Speaker Mr. Matthew Wu Consultant, Hong Kong Computer Emergency Response Team Coordination Centre ("HKCERT"), Hong Kong Productivity Council Chair Mr. Leroy Yau Member, ITIG Organizing Commi ...
Speaker Mr. Matthew Wu Consultant, Hong Kong Computer Emergency Response Team Coordination Centre ("HKCERT"), Hong Kong Productivity Council Chair Mr. Leroy Yau Member, ITIG Organizing Commi ...
UIC Application Form_160726_1
「UIC 精英计划」申请表个人信息姓名: (中文) 性别: 姓名: (英文) 出生年月: 电话: 个人邮箱地址: (非学校电邮地址,方便毕业后联系) 家庭地址: 学习情况现就读年级和专业: 成绩排名( GPA GPA): 是否获得任何奖项: Please state the reasons why Institute should select you as one of Please state ...
「UIC 精英计划」申请表个人信息姓名: (中文) 性别: 姓名: (英文) 出生年月: 电话: 个人邮箱地址: (非学校电邮地址,方便毕业后联系) 家庭地址: 学习情况现就读年级和专业: 成绩排名( GPA GPA): 是否获得任何奖项: Please state the reasons why Institute should select you as one of Please state ...
UIC Application Form_160726
「UIC 精英计划」申请表个人信息姓名: (中文) 性别: 姓名: (英文) 出生年月: 电话: 个人邮箱地址: (非学校电邮地址,方便毕业后联系) 家庭地址: 学习情况现就读年级和专业: 成绩排名( GPA GPA): 是否获得任何奖项: Please state the reasons why Institute should select you as one of Please state ...
Photography Practice Sessions_April-June 2015_FULL
Photography Practice Sessions The Photography Interest Group (PoIG) has organised a series of practice sessions between April and June for members who wish to practice the shooting skills and techniqu ...
Rowing Courses The Dragon Boat Interest Group is organizing a progressive two-oared sculling training where members are required to take the elementary level (Star 1 & 2) before enroll into the ad ...
What accountants should do to combat money laundering and terrorist financing 打擊清洗黑錢及恐怖分子融資活動– 會計師的角色About the seminar Accountants, lawyers and other designated non-financial businesses and profession ...
Golf Day in Nansha, China The Golf Interest Group (GIG) has organised a golf day in Nansha, China in November. This provides a wonderful opportunity for members to get together and enjoy an outbound g ...
Reciprocal Privileges 聯網會所優惠AUSTRALIA 澳洲The American Club, Sydney Level 15, 131 Macquarie Street Tel: (61-2) 9241 2015 Sydney NSW 2000 Fax: (61-2) 9251 4658 Australia Web: www.amclub.com.au The Wester ...
1 New Books in Library (Dec 2009) Title /Author: Accounting, organizations, and institutions : essays in honour of Anthony Hopwood /edited by Christopher S. Chapman, David J. Cooper, and Peter B. Mill ...
Date 28 November 2008 (Friday) Time 8:45 a.m. -5:00 p.m. Venue Theatre, Shatin Clubhouse, Hong Kong Jockey Club (free parking spaces or the Institute’s round-trip coach available) Keynote Speaker Prof ...
1 14 November 2005 By hand and by fax (2527 0292) Our Ref.: C/IPC, M37900 Mr. Alan Lo Financial Services Branch Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau 18th Floor, Admiralty Centre Tower 1 18 Harco ...
Our Ref.: C/EPLM, M29344 17 August 2004 Mr. Stuart Stoker, Secretary, The Law Reform Commission of Hong Kong, 20/F, Harcourt House, 39 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong. Dear Mr. Stoker, Consultatio ...
UIC精英计划申请表-updated on 20160726
「UIC 精英计划」申请表个人信息姓名: (中文) 性别: 姓名: (英文) 出生年月: 电话: 个人邮箱地址: (非学校电邮地址,方便毕业后联系) 家庭地址: 学习情况现就读年级和专业: 成绩排名( GPA GPA): 是否获得任何奖项: Please state the reasons why Institute should select you as one of Please state ...
HKBN Handbill 202401231 ENG
客戶經理:郭先生MR Andy Kwok MR Andy KwokMR Andy Kwok MR Andy Kwok聯絡電話: 9848 7422 /3999 2574 9848 7422 /3999 2574 9848 7422 /3999 25749848 7422 /3999 2574 9848 7422 /3999 2574 9848 7422 /3999 25749848 7422 /3 ...
1 New Books in Library (Jun 2010) Business Finance Title /Author: Fixed income securities : valuation, risk, and risk management /Pietro Veronesi Publisher: Hoboken, N. J. : John Wiley & Sons Year ...
Event Detail - MyCPA
Event Detail - MyCPA Event Information Event code VOHK19062001 Language Cantonese / Mandarin Event name Delegation to Huizhou 香港與內地中小型會計師事務所粵港澳大灣區交流活動-惠州訪問團 CPD hours 4.0 Contact Ms. Karina Yeung at 2 ...
Event Detail - MyCPA
Event Detail - MyCPA Event Information Event code SCPD19080802 Language Cantonese Event name 中國稅務制度簡介 (China Tax Course - Demo Lesson) CPD hours 1.0 Contact 2287-7233 or taxdiploma@hkcipa.org.hk Event ...
GilmanDisney Marvel Staff Offer
GilmanDisney Marvel Staff Offer 太平家電居優惠太平家電居優惠太平家電居優惠太平家電居優惠歡迎Whatsapp WhatsappWhatsappWhatsapp 9169 4045 9169 4045 9169 4045 9169 4045 9169 4045 9169 4045 9169 4045 9169 4045 9169 4045 9169 4045 查詢或訂 ...
麗星郵輪Star Cruises (HK) Ltd. Suite 1501, Ocean Centre, 5 Canton Road, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong V:\Sales\Shared\SC Ship Info\SuperStar Virgo\2014\07 Apr -26 Oct 2014\Close Door Offer Promotion Fly ...
The Dance Interest Group (DIG) has organised a dance fun night for members to appreciate the fun of dancing. The highlights of the evening include: Latin and Ballroom dancing competitions for members ...
Professional representation
A single voice can sometimes be hard to hear, but all our voices together can move mountains. The Institute represents all of our members' views towards laws, government budgets and legislation an ...
4th Floor, Tower Two, Lippo Centre, Tel 電話: (852) 2287 7228 Web 網址: www.hkicpa.org.hk 1 89 Queensway, Hong Kong Fax 傳真: (852) 2865 6776 E-mail 電郵: hkicpa@hkicpa.org.hk 香港金鐘道89 號力寶中心二座四樓(852) 2865 6603 ...
4th Floor, Tower Two, Lippo Centre, Tel 電話:(852) 2287 7228 Web 網址: www.hkicpa.org.hk 89 Queensway, Hong Kong Fax 傳真: (852) 2865 6776 E-mail 電郵: hkicpa@hkicpa.org.hk 香港金鐘道89 號力寶中心二座四樓(852) 2865 6603 22 ...
4th Floor, Tower Two, Lippo Centre, Tel 電話:(852) 2287 7228 Web 網址: www.hkicpa.org.hk 89 Queensway, Hong Kong Fax 傳真: (852) 2865 6776 E-mail 電郵: hkicpa@hkicpa.org.hk 香港金鐘道89 號力寶中心二座四樓(852) 2865 6603 22 ...
4th Floor, Tower Two, Lippo Centre, Tel 電話:(852) 2287 7228 Web 網址: www.hkicpa.org.hk 89 Queensway, Hong Kong Fax 傳真: (852) 2865 6776 E-mail 電郵: hkicpa@hkicpa.org.hk 香港金鐘道89 號力寶中心二座四樓(852) 2865 6603 22 ...
HKICPA_Submission_ED_ISA_600_Sept 05
4th Floor, Tower Two, Lippo Centre, Tel 電話:(852) 2287 7228 Web 網址: www.hkicpa.org.hk 89 Queensway, Hong Kong Fax 傳真: (852) 2865 6776 E-mail 電郵: hkicpa@hkicpa.org.hk 香港金鐘道89 號力寶中心二座四樓(852) 2865 6603 22 ...
HKICPA_Submission_ED_ISA_260_Sept 05
4th Floor, Tower Two, Lippo Centre, Tel 電話:(852) 2287 7228 Web 網址: www.hkicpa.org.hk 89 Queensway, Hong Kong Fax 傳真: (852) 2865 6776 E-mail 電郵: hkicpa@hkicpa.org.hk 香港金鐘道89 號力寶中心二座四樓(852) 2865 6603 22 ...
17 March 2005 To: Members of the Hong Kong Institute of CPAs All other interested parties Draft Interpretation 25 Leases – Determination of the Length of Lease Term in respect of Hong Kong Land Leases ...
Our Ref.: C/CGC&PAIBC, M32103 20 December 2004 The Hon. Bernard Chan, Chairman of the Panel on Financial Affairs, Legislative Council Secretariat, 3rd floor, Citibank Tower, 3 Garden Road, Central ...
2023-2d FCP EnrolForm
2023-2d FCP EnrolForm.docx 1 Notes: 1. Workshops are held face-to face. Each workshop is 6 hours, runs from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (with one hour lunch break). 2. Case study workshop is held face-to- ...
HKICPA_Enrolment Form (SUFE)_20152
HKICPA_Enrolment Form (SUFE)_20152 I. Please read the “Important Notes” carefully before completing this form Name: (Surname first, BLOCK & FULL) Member/Student#: HKID /PRC ID /Passport No.: Conta ...