LAW OF COMPANIES IN HONG KONG The first substantive text on the principles of Company Law and the new Companies Ordinance (Cap. 622) REUTERS/Bobby Yip “A major new work on Hong Kong company law whose ...
Hong Kong Institute of CPAs Four minutes stories for 40th anniversary video story contest The Institute’s 40 years of long and distinguished history is marked by a huge collection of stories. Some of ...
普通話課程Children Putonghua Course /中文寫作班Chinese Writing Course 每班人數Class Size (person) 每堂收費Course Fee /lesson 2 250 /person 3 230 /person 4 – 6 200 /person 兒童英語課程Early Child English Program 每班人數Class Siz ...
Background The Hong Kong Mortgage Corporation Limited ("HKMC") launched the SME Financing Guarantee Scheme ("Scheme") (中小企融資擔保計劃) in January 2011. The Scheme aims to help small and ...
Chinese Pop Songs Singing Class The Singing Interest Group (SgIG) has organized a Chinese pop songs singing class with recording sessions featured in the training course (流行歌唱實習及錄音室體驗課程). If you are i ...
1 New Books in Library (May 2010) Auditing and Assurance Title /Author: Auditing : [a business risk approach] /Audrey A. Grambling, Larry E. Rittenberg, Karla M. Johnstone Publisher: Mason, OH : South ...
Dance and Sing Fun Night Let’s sing and swing in this festive season. We promise it will be a fun-filled evening with live band and lucky draw. It’s a party for CPAs and their friends. Date: 18 Decemb ...
Dance and Sing Fun Night Let’s sing and swing in this festive season. We promise it will be a fun-filled evening with live band and lucky draw. It’s a party for CPAs and their friends. Date: 18 Decemb ...
Feature Interview By Caroline Biebuyck Practical Experience: Views from the Ground Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu: Authorised Employer Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, one of the Big Four firms, is also one of the ...
1 2 September 2005 By email and by fax (2511 7414) (ada_sm_leung_lam@ird.gov.hk) Your Ref.: DAD(CR)483/141-14C Our Ref.: C/TXG, M36608 Inland Revenue Department 36/F, Revenue Tower 5 Gloucester Road W ...
Our Ref.: C/FRSC By e-mail and by post 18 August 2005 The International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee, International Accounting Standards Board, 30 Cannon Street, London EC4M 6XH, Unit ...
3 June 2005 By fax (2295 3180) and by post Our Ref.: C/CFC, M35194 Ms. Kelly Wick Assistant Vice President Listing Division Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited 11/F., One International Finance Ce ...
Ltr B_A_B 2004 criteria _sign__030305
-1 -BY FAX AND BY POST (2865 6778) Your Ref.: C3/17(04) 3 March 2005 Our Ref.: C/IPC, M33457 Mr. Alan Lo, Financial Services Branch, The Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau, 18th Floor, Admiral ...
-1 -BY E-MAIL AND BY POST Our Ref.: C/UII 24 September 2004 The International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee, International Accounting Standards Board, 30 Cannon Street, London EC4M 6XH ...
香港會計師公會香港金鐘道八十九號力寶中心二座四樓HONG KONG SOCIETY OF ACCOUNTANTS (Incorporated by the Professional Accountants Ordinance, Cap. 50) 4th Floor, Tower Two, Lippo Centre, 89 Queensway, Hong Kong. Tel: 2287 7228 F ...
香港會計師公會香港金鐘道八十九號力寶中心二座四樓HONG KONG SOCIETY OF ACCOUNTANTS (Incorporated by the Professional Accountants Ordinance, Cap. 50) 4th Floor, Tower Two, Lippo Centre, 89 Queensway, Hong Kong. Tel: 2287 7228 F ...
-1 -Dear News/Business Editor, 16 June 2004 HKSA proposes radical changes for investment property accounting Following the lead of International Standards and other major financial centres, the Hong S ...
-1 -BY FAX AND BY POST (2527 0790) Your Ref.: B9/32C(2004) Pt. 29 28 May 2004 Our Ref.: C/IPC, M27808 Mr. Danny Leung Financial Services Branch, Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau, 18/F., Admi ...
-1 -BY FAX AND BY POST (2528 3345) Our Ref.: C/EPLM, M27470 14 May 2004 Ms. Shirley Lam, Financial Services Branch, Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau, 18th Floor, Admiralty Centre Tower 1, 18 ...
DIPN23(Revised) 1 9 May 2005 By fax (2877 1082) and by post Our Ref.: C/TXM, M34632 Mrs. Alice Lau Mak Yee-ming Commissioner of Inland Revenue Inland Revenue Department 36/F, Revenue Tower 5 Glouceste ...
Circular_SgIG121012(Chinese) Chinese Pop Songs Singing Class The Singing Interest Group (SgIG) has organized a Chinese pop songs singing class. If you are interested in sharpening your vocal singing, ...
Circular_SgIG120720(Chinese) Chinese Pop Songs Singing Class The Singing Interest Group (SgIG) has organized a Chinese pop songs singing class. If you are interested in sharpening your vocal singing, ...
Issue 16 (October 2018) Events Click for upcoming events on current tax issues Publications 1. From Inland Revenue Department Advance Ruling Cases No. 64 and 65 on court-free amalgamation The applic ...
PI flyer
Enquiries Tel: 2287-7098 E-mail: sq.insolvency@hkicpa.org.hk CPD hours 15 verifiable CPD hours for Institute's members. A certificate of attendance will be awarded to each participant who has fulf ...
Go – Karting in Shenzhen The Institute is organising a go-karting weekend at Xtreme Speedway in Shenzhen. This will be a great experience for motorsports enthusiasts. Whether you are a first-timer or ...
Go – Karting in Shenzhen The Institute is organising another go-karting weekend at Xtreme Speedway in Shenzhen. This will be a great experience for motorsports enthusiasts. Whether you are a first-tim ...
Go – Karting in Shenzhen The Institute is organising another go-karting weekend at Xtreme Speedway in Shenzhen. This will be a great experience for motorsports enthusiasts. Whether you are a first-tim ...
Go – Karting in Shenzhen Following the over-whelming response to our first go-karting event in October 2011, the Institute is organising another go-kart weekend at Xtreme Speedway in Shenzhen. This wi ...
Go – Karting in Shenzhen Are you a motorsports enthusiast? Do you want to develop quick reflexes, precision car control and decision-making skills? Now there's an opportunity for you to do all tha ...
Dora Lee_on 28 Dec 2018_Level 2_PRINT version
HKICPA Accounting and Business Management Case Competition 2018-19 2 •Level 2: Management Consultant (page 2: Question paper and guideline) •Target company: Hong Kong Television Network Limited (HKTV) ...
Order Date: Retail (HK) Promotion (HK) Qty (coupon) Total (HK) Retail (HK) Promotion (HK) Qty (coupon) Total (HK) Recipient Address: 鴻運年糕Chinese Pudding 138 116 原隻30頭鮑魚銀裝盆菜(6位) Poon Choi with 6 Abalon ...
註冊有限公司Incorporated with limited liability 香港灣仔駱克道353 號三湘大廈29 樓29/F, Sunshine Plaza, 353 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong 電話Tel: 25201868 傳真Fax: 25201967 網址Website: http://www.hkfi.org.hk 電郵E-mail: hk ...
Proceedings No.: D-12-0740H IN THE MATTER OF A Complaint made under Section 34(1)(a) of the Professional Accountants Ordinance (Cap.50) (“the PAO”) and referred to the Disciplinary Committee under Sec ...
Gold Hill - Super Star CNY Order Form 2022
Retail(HK)Promotion(HK)Qty(Coupon)Total(HK)Retail(HK)Promotion(HK)Qty(Coupon)Total(HK)鴻運年糕Chinese Pudding148125瑤柱蘿蔔糕Turnip Cake with Chinese Conpoy148125茶樹菇栗子燉老雞Chicken Double-Stewed Soup with Agrocyb ...
1 New Books in Library (Oct 2010) Audit and Assurance Title /Author: Module C : business assurance : learning pack /Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants Publisher: [London] : BPP Learni ...
Let's party! Come join the dance fun night to have a glimpse of different types of Ballroom Standard dance and Latin dance. Jazz and funk dance will also be featured. Dancing is one of the most po ...
1397_MS_Workshop for Listing on HKEX_190425
1397_MS_Workshop for Listing on HKEX_190425 13 97 _1 90 42 5 Workshops for Listing on HKEX (April to July 2019) The Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing (HKEX) ranked first globally in IPO fundraising fiv ...
1397_MS_Workshop for Listing on HKEX_190425
1397_MS_Workshop for Listing on HKEX_190425 13 97 _1 90 42 5 Workshops for Listing on HKEX (April to July 2019) The Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing (HKEX) ranked first globally in IPO fundraising fiv ...
1397_MS_Workshop for Listing on HKEX_190425
1397_MS_Workshop for Listing on HKEX_190425 13 97 _1 90 42 5 Workshops for Listing on HKEX (April to July 2019) The Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing (HKEX) ranked first globally in IPO fundraising fiv ...
1397_MS_Workshop for Listing on HKEX_190425
1397_MS_Workshop for Listing on HKEX_190425 13 97 _1 90 42 5 Workshops for Listing on HKEX (April to July 2019) The Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing (HKEX) ranked first globally in IPO fundraising fiv ...
1397_MS_Workshop for Listing on HKEX_190425
1397_MS_Workshop for Listing on HKEX_190425 13 97 _1 90 42 5 Workshops for Listing on HKEX (April to July 2019) The Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing (HKEX) ranked first globally in IPO fundraising fiv ...
1397_MS_Workshop for Listing on HKEX_190425
1397_MS_Workshop for Listing on HKEX_190425 13 97 _1 90 42 5 Workshops for Listing on HKEX (April to July 2019) The Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing (HKEX) ranked first globally in IPO fundraising fiv ...
1397_MS_Workshop for Listing on HKEX_190425
1397_MS_Workshop for Listing on HKEX_190425 13 97 _1 90 42 5 Workshops for Listing on HKEX (April to July 2019) The Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing (HKEX) ranked first globally in IPO fundraising fiv ...
1397_MS_Workshop for Listing on HKEX_190425
1397_MS_Workshop for Listing on HKEX_190425 13 97 _1 90 42 5 Workshops for Listing on HKEX (April to July 2019) The Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing (HKEX) ranked first globally in IPO fundraising fiv ...
1397_MS_Workshop for Listing on HKEX_190425
1397_MS_Workshop for Listing on HKEX_190425 13 97 _1 90 42 5 Workshops for Listing on HKEX (April to July 2019) The Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing (HKEX) ranked first globally in IPO fundraising fiv ...