Module 11_LP_Vol 2
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Hong Kong Framework for Assurance Engagements Hong Kong Hong Kong Framework for Framework for Framework for Framework for Assurance Engagements Assurance Engagements Assurance Engagements Assurance En ...
Hong Kong Framework for Assurance Engagements Hong Kong Hong Kong Framework for Framework for Framework for Framework for Assurance Engagements Assurance Engagements Assurance Engagements Assurance En ...
Hong Kong Framework for Assurance Engagements Hong Kong Hong Kong Framework for Framework for Framework for Framework for Assurance Engagements Assurance Engagements Assurance Engagements Assurance En ...
Special Considerations—Audits of Single Financial Statements and Specific Elements, Accounts or Items of a Financial Statement Hong Kong Standard on Auditing 805 (Revised) HKSA 805 (Revised) Issued Au ...
Module 11_LP_Vol 1
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Update No. 47 (Issued December 2007) Document Reference and Title Instructions Explanations VOLUME II Contents of Volume II Insert the revised pages i and ii. Discard the replaced pages i and ii. Revi ...