Speaker Mr. Matthew Wu Consultant, Hong Kong Computer Emergency Response Team Coordination Centre ("HKCERT"), Hong Kong Productivity Council Chair Mr. Leroy Yau Member, ITIG Organizing Commi ...
Appreciation for the beauty of classical music will bring interesting effects to one's brain which is conducive to maintaining physical wellness. To name a few, it can help you to relieve stress l ...
Photography Practice Sessions_April-June 2015_FULL
Photography Practice Sessions The Photography Interest Group (PoIG) has organised a series of practice sessions between April and June for members who wish to practice the shooting skills and techniqu ...
Rowing Courses The Dragon Boat Interest Group is organizing a progressive two-oared sculling training where members are required to take the elementary level (Star 1 & 2) before enroll into the ad ...
1 14 November 2005 By hand and by fax (2527 0292) Our Ref.: C/IPC, M37900 Mr. Alan Lo Financial Services Branch Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau 18th Floor, Admiralty Centre Tower 1 18 Harco ...
Our Ref.: C/EPLM, M29344 17 August 2004 Mr. Stuart Stoker, Secretary, The Law Reform Commission of Hong Kong, 20/F, Harcourt House, 39 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong. Dear Mr. Stoker, Consultatio ...
Precautionary Measures at the Examination Centres for the Qualification Programme Associate Module and Capstone Examinations (June 2022 - China)
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Precautionary Measures at the Examination Centres (December 2021 - China)
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