HKICPA seminar: Practical Guidance to Hong Kong IPO: Part II Programme Code: S140414S Topics include: Specific IPO issues Preparation of financial information Pro forma financial information Operat ...
HKICPA seminar: Accounting for Value: Is Accountancy Still Fit for Purpose in the 21st Century? Programme Code: S140314S Is accountancy still fit for the purpose in the 21st Century? There is an incre ...
HKICPA seminar: Doing Corporate Social Responsibility from Risk Management Perspectives Programme Code: S140310S Extreme weather caused by climate change occurs more frequent in recent years. Business ...
HKICPA seminar: Computer Ethics: a risk and an anti-risk mechanism Programme Code: S140416S Accountants rely on the computer. Failing to identify ethical issues surrounding the computer or neglecting ...
HKICPA seminar: Practical Guidance to Hong Kong IPO: Part I Programme Code: S140402S Topics include: IPO in Hong Kong and latest development New HKEx IPO regime and requirements in Hong Kong Key imp ...
HKICPA seminar: The Power of Positive Relationship Programme Code: S140328S Having a positive relationship with your stakeholders at work may likely be the single most essential asset you ought to hav ...
HKICPA workshop: Costing: the inside tips, tricks and techniques Programme Code: W140315S It would seem that ‘anyone can do costing’, or so the general feeling is within many businesses but the realit ...
HKICPA seminar: Coso Internal Control Integrated Framework Programme Code: S140312S In May 2013, The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission ("COSO") issued “Updated ...
HKICPA seminar: 2013 PRC Individual Income Tax Updates Programme Code: TFP140228S This seminar will provide an update on the PRC Individual Income Tax (IIT) related issues in 2013 with a focus coverin ...
Course Information Enquiry: 2287 7386 /2287 7253 e-mail: cpd@hkicpa.org.hk HKICPA Event Enrolment Form (For Support Programme) To confirm your CPD booking, just log on to “My CPA” at http://www.hkicpa ...
HKICPA seminar: Measuring the Fair Value of Non-tradable Financial Assets: issues and examples (re-run) Programme Code: S140331S IFRS 7 requires additional disclosures on the credit risk, market and l ...
China tax updates from the Institute's meeting with the State Administration of Taxation Programme Code: TFS The Institute held an annual liaison meeting with the State Administration of Taxation ...
HKICPA seminar: Trusts Planning with U.S. Beneficiaries Programme Code: TFP140212S Topics include: Overview of US tax system Overview of offshore trust structure Classification of trust under US ta ...
HKICPA seminar: Audit and Tax Considerations for Investment Funds Programme Code: S140124S The speakers will provide an introduction to audit and tax considerations for investment funds, including off ...
HKICPA seminar: Regulations against Insider Dealing – from preventative to proactive Programme Code: S140115S Topics include: What is insider dealing? What harm does it cause? Who are the wrongdoer ...
HKICPA seminar: Corporate Governance: Effective Risk Management and Internal Controls Programme Code: S140122S Nowadays, good corporate governance is not a luxury that companies can ignore. The size, ...
HKICPA seminar: Responsibilities of Reporting Accountants under the New IPO Regime Programme Code: S140108S The Securities and Futures Commission’s new regulations for sponsors came into effect on 1 O ...
HKICPA seminar: The Potential Dangers in the Cyber World Programme Code: S140106S This seminar is intended to appeal to members about the potential dangers in cyber world. Nowadays, technology is beco ...
HKICPA seminar: Corporate Governance Code and Associated Listing Rules (re-run) Programme Code: S131211S Corporate governance is important in enhancing public confidence and trust, promoting competiti ...
HKICPA seminar: Transfer Pricing Updates for Hong Kong and China Programme Code: TFP131111S In this seminar, the speaker will share with participants her insights and observations on the transfer pric ...
VAT reforms in China -The impact on multinational corporations and the future direction of the VAT programme Programme Code: TFS The first phase of the value added tax (VAT) pilot programme has been i ...
HHKKIICCPPAA sseemmiinnaarr:: TThhee CCoonncceepptt ooff IInnssttiittuuttiioonnaall IInntteeggrriittyy MMaannaaggeemmeenntt Programme Code: S131218S Drawing from the lessons of the 2008 global financi ...
HKICPA workshop: Audit of Brokers-Dealers Programme Code: W131120S This workshop will provide an introduction to audits of brokers-dealers which are regulated by the Hong Kong Securities and Futures C ...
Transfer pricing for the financial services industry Programme Code: TFS The significant increase in cross-border activities has made transfer pricing (“TP”) one of the key tax issues faced by multina ...
HKICPA seminar: Legal Privilege: Protection and Pitfall Programme Code: S131031S Topics include: What is legal privilege? Difference between legal advice privilege and litigation privilege Applicat ...
Annual Accounting Update 2013 Programme Code: C131109S Date SSaattuurrddaayy,, 99 NNoovveemmbbeerr 22001133 Time 99::0000 aa..mm.. –– 11::0000 pp..mm.. (Registration starts at 8:30 a.m.) Venue Ballroo ...
IPO Readiness -Internal Control Systems and Corporate Governance Compliance (re-run) Programme Code: S131121S Going public by Initial Public Offering (IPO) is a milestone for market outperformers. Dur ...
Accountants Professional Liability (re-run) Programme Code: S131101S This seminar aims to provide a refresher of accountants' liability exposures. The following about appropriate risk management m ...
TThhee NNeeww HHKKEExx IIPPOO RReeggiimmee OOccttoobbeerr 11,, 22001133 Programme Code: S131021S On July 23, 2013, the Hong Kong Stock Exchange launched a new IPO regime, which will come into effect o ...
China Enterprise Income Tax Updates Programme Code: TFP131122S Updates on Enterprise Income Tax (EIT) controversial issues: Indirect equity transaction Beneficial ownership rules Permanent establis ...
Audit of Authorized Insurance Brokers Programme Code: S131118AS The seminar comprises two parts as follows: (A) Financial statement audit (B) Practice Note 810.1 Relevant regulatory and professional ...
Overview of Financial Due Diligence Programme Code: S131113S This seminar intends to present to the participants an overview of financial due diligence. It will cover the following key areas: What is ...
Annual Auditing Update 2013 "Challenges in the auditing profession" Programme Code: C131026S Date SSaattuurrddaayy,, 2266 OOccttoobbeerr 22001133 Time 99::0000 aa..mm.. –– 11::0000 pp..mm.. ...
Update on Internal Control – COSO Framework, 2013 Programme Code: S131010S The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO)’s Internal Control – Integrated Framework was rel ...
Tapering or not tapering: To be or not to be Programme Code: S131009S What's the world after Quantitative Easing (QE)? In this seminar, the speaker will discuss: Post QE market overview Chinese ...
IT risks that auditors should be aware of Programme Code: S131018S With the increase use of IT systems to maintain and process business and financial data, auditors need to be aware of the common IT r ...
Mergers and Acquisitions: Valuation Matters Programme Code: S131011S During the seminar, the speaker will discuss: Investing in Hong Kong and China Updates about valuation practices in China and pre ...
Managing Risks for Accountants Programme Code: S131030S In this seminar, the speaker will provide information on the Management Accounting Practices (MAP) and Management Accounting Guidelines (MAG) on ...
New Companies Ordinance Programme Code: S130924S This seminar will focus on the new Companies Ordinance and the major changes. Topics include: An overview of the new Companies Ordinance “Accounts an ...
Managing Audit and Tax Risks Programme Code: S130904S Topics to be covered: Fraud close encounter Audit procedures to address identified issues Common tax traps encountered by foreign investors doi ...
How an Auditor Assesses a Valuation Programme Code: W130911S This workshop will introduce you the importance of valuation and fair value measurements (“FVM”) during the course of an audit. It will als ...
The IASB Proposes a New Expected Credit Loss Model Programme Code: S130925S The IASB (International Accounting Standards Board) has issued a new exposure draft Financial Instruments: Expected Credit L ...
Acting as a Committee Member for a Mentally Incapacitated Person Programme Code: S130909S With the growing number of wealthy people in Hong Kong with senile dementia, applications to the High Court fo ...
Fraud Investigations in the Corporate World Programme Code: S130808AS Topics include: Investigations – The skeleton Fraud/Bribery – Combating strategies Detection approach Fraud risk mitigation F ...
Key Aspects of a Successful IPO (re-run) Programme Code: S130801S More companies are now seeking an opportunity for listing for strategic expansion. Planning and managing an Initial Public Offering (I ...
Operational Risk Management in Practice Programme Code: S130808S The speaker will discuss the following topics in this seminar: Overview on operational risk management Different types of Risk Contro ...
Capital Market Insights – Impact of recent PRC and Hong Kong regulatory changes on IPO Programme Code: S130806S In this seminar, the speaker will introduce the major features of SFC’s Consultation Con ...
Tax transparency and exchange of information – the implications for Hong Kong Programme Code: TFS Internationally, the pressure on jurisdictions perceived to be uncooperative and lacking in transparen ...
Annual Taxation Update 2013 Programme Code: TFP130713S Date Satturday,, 13 Jully 2013 Time 9::00 a..m.. – 1::00 p..m.. (Registration starts at 8:30 a.m.) Venue Ballroom, InterContinental Hong Kong, 18 ...
Bankruptcy and Individual Voluntary Arrangement Programme Code: S130725S This seminar will provide an overview of Personal Bankruptcy and Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA) in Hong Kong. It covers ...
Valuation for Financial Reporting HKFRS 3 – Business Acquisition Programme Code: S130712AS Financial reporting for business combination or purchase price allocation (“PPA”) involves a series of proced ...
Risk Management for Trading Business Programme Code: S130712S Trading activities are critical business areas for financial institutions and large corporations. There are many reported cases of badly m ...
Roundtable discussion event on practical issues in Mainland tax Programme Code: TFS The Taxation Faculty, which was established in 2012, aims to provide members with a range of services and activities ...
Solicitors' Accounts Rules (re-run) Programme Code: S130724AS The seminar seeks to introduce the Solicitors' Accounts Rules, some common errors that are encountered by firms and clarification ...
Property Valuation for M&A Transactions in Emerging Markets Programme Code: S130618S The seminar will discuss property valuation for M&A transactions in emerging markets, such as the PRC, Viet ...
Discount Rates for Business Valuation Programme Code: S130610S The seminar will discuss discount rates for business valuation. Topics include: Introduction of business valuation Common method in bus ...
Analysing Qualitative Aspects of HK-listed Companies (re-run) Programme Code: W130511S This workshop will introduce the tools and methodologies to analyse some of the qualitative aspects of listed com ...
Analysing Financial Statements for Accountants (re-run) Programme Code: W130504S The workshop focuses on analysing and interpreting financial ratios. Topics include: Evaluating financial risk before ...
Prevention of Fraud Programme Code: S130529S Fraud may exist in many organisations. A study showed that the most common type of fraud was asset misappropriation by employees, followed by corruption/bi ...
Trends in Corporate Accountability and its Relationship with Sustainability Programme Code: S130528S This seminar will explore some of the issues and challenges currently facing companies around accou ...
Measuring the Fair Value of Non-tradable Financial Assets: issues and examples Programme Code: S130515AS IFRS 7 requires additional disclosures on the credit risk, market and liquidity risk of financi ...
Pp Accounting for Group Restructuring Programme Code: S130426S Group restructuring is often viewed as one of the most complicated areas in accounting as it sometimes involves business combinations tha ...
Developing Non-financial Performance Measures (re-run) Programme Code: W130411S The workshop focuses on the development of non-financial performance measures. Topics include: How to find and focus yo ...
How to Prepare Financial Information for Listing Programme Code: S130419S The seminar will discuss how to prepare financial information for listing. Topics include: What is the financial information ...
The New Regime on Direct Marketing in the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance Programme Code: S130411S On 1 April 2013, a new regime in the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance on the use of personal data ...
Employers' Liability Insurance and Employees' Compensation Claims Programme Code: S130327S Under Employees’ Compensation Ordinance (Chapter 282), an employer is liable to pay compensation in r ...
Hong Kong Tax Cases: Recent Important Developments Programme Code: TFS Some important tax cases have been heard by the courts in recent months, relating to, e.g., expenditure on plant and machinery, l ...
Cross-border Transfer Pricing Issues between Mainland China and Hong Kong Programme Code: TFP130313S The seminar will discuss cross-border transfer pricing issues between Mainland China and Hong Kong. ...
Financial Controls in Investment Banks Programme Code: S130320S The business model of an investment bank is different from that for a commercial bank or retail bank. Typically, an investment bank assi ...
Practical Issues in Adopting HKFRSs for 2012 Financial Statements (re-run) Programme Code: S130301S This seminar is to provide an update on the new and amended International Financial Reporting Standa ...
Budget Commentary Forum 2013-14 – How will the budget affect the economy and the community? 27 February 2013 (Programme Code: TFP130227S) Date 2277 FFeebbrruuaarryy 22001133,, WWeeddnneessddaayy Speak ...
Key tax issues in the China fund industry Programme Code: TFS China is an important and attractive fund market for foreign investors, due to the country's strong growth and the fact that Chinese a ...
An Introduction to Restructuring Services Programme Code: S130306S In the volatile economic environment that we face today, numerous companies have experienced a host of problems, such as declining ea ...
Financial Reporting Update on Consolidation and Joint Arrangement (re-run) Programme Code: S130225S This seminar is to share the development of Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standards (HKFRSs) in resp ...
Mastering Impairment Testing Programme Code: S130221S The economic environment remains challenging. With the increased volatility in the market, some corporations find the value of the acquisitions/ex ...
Environmental Social and Governance Factors of Listed Companies in Hong Kong Programme Code: S130311S Corporate Social Responsibility (including environmental, social and governance issues) has always ...
China Tax on Fund Remittances Programme Code: TFP130322S You may have been charged a number of fees or reimbursements in your China related companies. What are the China tax costs when remitting money ...
Finance, Funding and Control – delivering best practice Programme Code: W130301S Every element of the supply chain has a cash or finance implication and every business enterprise has the hunger for ca ...
Audit Quality: Measurement and Implications to Reported Earnings Programme Code: S130228AS Audit quality is important for financial reporting purposes. This seminar starts with some audit failure case ...
What Are The Risks and Opportunities for Managing Suppliers in China? Programme Code: S130228S The seminar will discuss the risks and opportunities for managing suppliers in China. The speaker will as ...
Creating and Managing Effective Budgets (re-run) Programme Code: W130225S The budgeting process is one of the most time-consuming aspects of a business. It is also a process vital to the success of th ...
Practical Issues in Adopting HKFRSs for 2012 Financial Statements Programme Code: S130220S This seminar is to provide an update on the new and amended International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS ...
Land Tenure System in Hong Kong Programme Code: S130206S This seminar provides an introduction to the land tenure system in Hong Kong, in particular its historical background. Moreover, the special ch ...
Corporate Governance Code and Associated Listing Rules (re-run) Programme Code: S130122S Corporate governance is important in enhancing public confidence and trust, promoting competitiveness and ultim ...
Financial Reporting Update on Consolidation and Joint Arrangement Programme Code: S130124S This seminar is to share the development of Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standards (HKFRSs) in respect of co ...
Enhancing your business management and communication with NLP (Module 2) Programme Code: W130126AS Nowadays people are living in a fast growing and unpredictable world full of changes and challenges, ...
Common China Tax Problems of SMEs and Possible Solutions Programme Code: TFP130116S Are SMEs and auditors aware of the China tax problems? With the changing tax rules and enforcement, there are a lot ...
Analysing Qualitative Aspects of HK-listed Companies (re-run) Programme Code: W130126S This workshop will introduce the tools and methodologies to analyse some of the qualitative aspects of listed com ...
Analysing Financial Statements for Accountants (re-run) Programme Code: W130119S The workshop focuses on analysing and interpreting financial ratios. Topics include: Evaluating financial risk before ...
Quality and Risk Management for Large and Medium Sized CPA Firms Programme Code: S130123S Quality and Risk Management (“Q&RM”) is a relatively new and yet important function within an audit firm. ...
China Outbound Investment Programme Code: TFS – Why use Hong Kong as an Investment Platform? Hong Kong is an important investment platform for Mainland enterprises looking for overseas business opport ...
Building a Client Driven Firm Programme Code: S121212S Becoming an adaptive client driven firm should be the goal of any professional services organization. As the sector becomes increasingly competit ...
Quality and Risk Management for Large and Medium Sized CPA Firms Programme Code: S121203S Quality and Risk Management (“Q&RM”) is a relatively new and yet important function within an audit firm. ...
MMeeddiiaattee ffoorr mmuuttuuaall uunnddeerrssttaannddiinngg aanndd wwiinn--wwiinn rreessoolluuttiioonnss Programme Code: W121215S Nowadays, conflicts between parties have become part of our daily li ...
Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Programme Code: S121126AS The concept of Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) appears to offer rich opportunities for company boards and executive management to improve th ...
Cross-border tax updates from the Institute's meeting with the State Administration of Taxation Programme Code: TFS The Institute held an inaugural liaison meeting with the Mainland's State Ad ...
Reform of Taxation in India 2012 Programme Code: TFP121120S India is one of the fastest growing economies in Asia. Indian tax rules can be complex for foreign investors. The Finance Act 2012 introduce ...
Investor Relations: Principles, Tips and Taboos Programme Code: S121129AS The seminar discusses the principles of investor relations, preparatory work before meeting analysts, tips and taboos during t ...