1 致:編採主任/新聞/財經版編輯香港會計師公會對一名會計師作出紀律處分(香港,二零一六年十月二十五日) 香港會計師公會(「公會」)轄下一紀律委員會,於二零一六年十月十二日譴責黃永康先生(會員編號:F06719),並命令在2016及2017年內不向他發出執業證書。此外,黃先生須繳付罰款港幣六萬元及支付公會的紀律程序費用港幣二萬四千七百三十元。黃永康先生是鄭志鵬會計師事務所的前合夥人,該事務所曾就 ...
Enhanced QP Syllabus _new_ 20161_1
[鍵入文字] 頁1 OVERVIEW Qualification Programme (QP) comprises four modules and a final examination. The coverage of each module is defined in competency-based terms. Competencies are set at the level of t ...
Enhanced QP Syllabus _new_ 20161
[鍵入文字] 頁1 OVERVIEW Qualification Programme (QP) comprises four modules and a final examination. The coverage of each module is defined in competency-based terms. Competencies are set at the level of t ...
1 致:編採主任/新聞/財經版編輯香港會計師公會對一名執業會計師作出紀律懲處(香港,二零一三年一月二十一日) 香港會計師公會轄下一紀律委員會於二零一三年一月十六日就區炳霖先生(會員編號:A00122)沒有或忽略遵守、維持或以其他方式應用公會頒布的專業準則,對區先生作出譴責,並命令他須繳付罰款四萬六千港元予公會。區先生亦須支付紀律程序的費用共五萬九千八百八十二港元。區先生為區炳霖會計師事務所的獨資 ...
Basic Financial Ratio Analysis and Implication
1 BASIC FINANCIAL RATIO ANALYSIS AND IMPLICATION Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants, 2018. All rights reserved. Dr. Stacy Wang Assistant Professor Hang Seng University of Hong Kong C ...
Enhanced QP Syllabus (new) 20161
Enhanced QP Syllabus (new) 20161 [鍵入文字] 頁1 OVERVIEW Qualification Programme (QP) comprises four modules and a final examination. The coverage of each module is defined in competency-based terms. Compe ...
Enhanced QP Syllabus (new) 20161_1
Enhanced QP Syllabus (new) 20161_1 [鍵入文字] 頁1 OVERVIEW Qualification Programme (QP) comprises four modules and a final examination. The coverage of each module is defined in competency-based terms. Com ...
H O N G K O N G I N S T I T U T E O F C E R T I F I E D P U B L I C A C C O U N T A N T S 香港會計師公會33rd Annual General Meeting 第三十三屆周年大會Leadership, Openness, Influence33rd Annual General Meeting 第三十三屆周年 ...