PPrrooppoosseedd TTaaxx DDeedduuccttiioonnss ffoorr SSppeecciiffiieedd IInntteelllleeccttuuaall PPrrooppeerrttiieess Programme Code: S110725 To promote a wider application of intellectual property by ...
Operational Risk Management in Practice Programme Code: S110707 The speaker will discuss the following in this seminar: Practical definition and drivers for operational risk Key elements in the oper ...
Inquiries of Regulators and the Role and Functions of Forensic Accountant Programme Code: S110628S Forensic accountants often carry out investigations to unearth evidence to prove financial fraud or m ...
How Chinese Suppliers Manage Their Large Customers Programme Code: S110620S The seminar will focus on exploring how Chinese suppliers win contracts and manage large international customers. The speake ...
Shareholder Disputes Concerning Family Companies Programme Code: S110527S The seminar will focus on shareholder disputes that happen in the context of family companies. Topics covered include: Family ...
Successful IPOs for PRC Companies Programme Code: S110418S The IPO market keeps flourishing in Hong Kong as PRC companies choose to be listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. While considering to be l ...
Assets and Liabilities Management in Financial Institutions Programme Code: S110503S Financial institutions need to handle a list of inherent risks in their normal course of business. In the last fina ...
Supporting organisation Host Supporting organisation The Behavior of Chinese Individual Investors CPD point(s) : The HKICPA : 2 hours The HKICS : 2 points The Law Society of Hong Kong : 2 points From ...
Hong Kong Stamp Duty Issues for the Financial Services Industry Programme Code: S110420S The sale and purchase of Hong Kong stock triggers stamp duty of 0.2%. With such a low tax rate, this transactio ...
Valuation for M&A Transactions and the Impact on Financial Reporting Programme Code: S110520S The seminar will address issues regarding valuation for M&A transactions including the regulatory ...
Anti Avoidance Trends and Taxation Internal Control Frameworks Programme Code: S110519S In this seminar, the speaker will discuss the following: International trends to combat tax avoidance Anti-avo ...
International Financial Reporting Standards Update Programme Code: S110505S As global capital markets become increasingly integrated, many countries are conforming to International Financial Reporting ...
Hong Kong’s Expanding Tax Treaty Network Programme Code: S110406S Recently, Hong Kong has been rapidly expanding its tax treaty network, with 13 new tax treaties concluded 2010. This increases Hong Ko ...
What China's Anti-Monopoly Law means for businesses Programme Code: S110329S In the US, managers can go to prison for antitrust violations. In principle, China does not foresee criminal sanctions ...
Management Accounting Course: Strategic Management Accountancy Techniques Case Study Workshop Programme Code: W110318J HKICPA and CIMA proudly present a four-day workshop, specifically for HKICPA memb ...
Performance Strategy Course: A Structured CPD programme for Professional Accountants in Business Programme Code: W110317J HKICPA and CIMA proudly present a four-day workshop, specifically for HKICPA m ...
China Transfer Pricing Update Programme Code: S110221S Transfer pricing presents challenges for both tax authorities and multinational corporations (MNCs) in determining how the taxable profits of a M ...
Creating and Managing Effective Budgets Programme Code: W110312S For many people the word „budget‟ is synonymous with control, cost cutting and a „can‟t do‟ attitude. A budget is not a tool to be used ...
How to Extract Value from Consultants Programme Code: S101201S S110120S Consultants should bring value to the organization and credit to the executives who hire them. But very often consultants fail t ...
Anti-money Laundering and Counter Terrorist Financing (re-run) Programme Code: S110126S This seminar focuses on the practical aspects of the anti-money laundering and counter terrorist financing. The ...
RReemmiittttaannccee ffoorr NNoonn--TTrraaddee PPaayymmeennttss ffrroomm CChhiinnaa ((rree--rruunn)) Programme Code: S110117AS Remitting funds from China is always important to multinational companies ...
Creating Alignment with Non-financial Performance Measures Programme Code: W110126S The workshop focuses on the development of non-financial performance measures. Topics include: A simple framework f ...
Latest Departmental Interpretation and Practice Notes No. 21 Programme Code: S110124S The Inland Revenue Department (“IRD”) released the revised Departmental Interpretation and Practice Notes (“DIPN”) ...
New U.S. FATCA law and its impact on non-U.S. financial institutions Programme Code: S110121AS The newly enacted U.S. Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) imposes an expansive reporting and with ...
Creating Alignment with Non-financial Performance Measures Programme Code: W110126S The workshop focuses on the development of non-financial performance measures. Topics include: A simple framework f ...
Remiittttance ffor Non--Trade Paymentts ffrom Chiina ((re--run)) Programme Code: S110117AS Remitting funds from China is always important to multinational companies. In this seminar, the speaker will ...
Corporate Use of Derivatives Programme Code: S110126AS This seminar will include the history of derivatives and why they were invented. The different use of derivatives will be explored using case stu ...
HKFRS for Private Entities Programme Code: S110120AS /S110316S The seminar aims at providing a review on the requirements on HKFRS for Private Entities. Topics to be covered in the seminar include: C ...