Appreciation for the beauty of classical music will bring interesting effects to one's brain which is conducive to maintaining physical wellness. To name a few, it can help you to relieve stress l ...
1 New Books in Library (Jun 2011) Audit and Assurance Title /Author: Auditing and assurance services : an applied approach /Iris C. Stuart Publisher: New York : McGraw-Hill Irwin Year: 2012 Call No.: ...
Comic 8 “分享的快樂”
The school held a "Creative Costume Contest". Curious Girl, Spender Boy and their classmates participated enthusiastically. Each of the classmates demonstrated their own ingenuity when prepa ...
Comic 10 “金錢的魔鬼”
The school was organizing a charity sale. Two spirits popped out from a teapot that Curious Girl was cleaning. How will she end up regretting her momentary greed? Comic 10 “金錢的魔鬼” (The money devil) fo ...
Comic 5 “百變的金錢”
Circus owner Spender Boy is bad at storing his money and eventually lost his money due to a burglary. How do the circus performers learn to prevent future break-ins? The story educates children on dif ...
Business Proposal The HKICPA Accounting and Business Management Case Competition 2021-22HKICPA Accounting and Business Management Case Competition 2021-22 Table of content Executive summary P.1 Introd ...
Speech by the Honourable Frederick S. Ma, JP Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury at Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants Award and Graduation Ceremony 2006 12 September 20 ...
《粵港澳大灣區保險業調查報告》(published by KPMG in Jun 2020)
《粵港澳大灣區保險業調查報告》(published by KPMG in Jun 2020)
10 Lessons in Money Management
As part of the programme revamp, 10 comic books on wealth management launched between 2019 and 2020, featuring three characters “會繼司” (Certified Public Accountant, CPA), “大花童” (Spender Boy) and “好奇寶寶” ...
The much anticipated annual CPA Singing Contest is open for registration. It will not only offer an opportunity for members to showcase their vocal talents, but also serve as an internal selection pro ...
The much anticipated annual CPA Singing Contest is open for registration. It will not only offer an opportunity for members to showcase their vocal talents, but also serves as an internal selection pr ...
circularform2012 (v3)
circularform2012 (v3) Singing is one of the most popular pastimes of our members and that's why the annual CPA singing contest is one of the much anticipated member events. The contest does not on ...
PN 740 Issued June 2010; revised April 2015, December 2015 Effective upon issue Auditor's Letter on Continuing Connected Transactions under the Hong Kong Listing Rules Practice Note 740 AUDITOR’S ...
PN 740 Issued June 2010; revised April 2015, December 2015 Effective upon issue Auditor's Letter on Continuing Connected Transactions under the Hong Kong Listing Rules Practice Note 740 AUDITOR’S ...
PN 740 Issued June 2010; revised April 2015, December 2015 Effective upon issue Auditor's Letter on Continuing Connected Transactions under the Hong Kong Listing Rules Practice Note 740 AUDITOR’S ...
BAFS Scholarship 2020-21 Final
HKICPA/HKABE Joint Scholarship for BAFS 2020/21 List of awardeesNo.School NameStudent Name1Aberdeen Baptist Lui Ming Choi College 香港仔浸信會呂明才書院Fan Yin Ting 樊彥廷2Baptist Wing Lung Secondary School 浸信會永隆中學 ...
HKICPA SSG Scholarship 2023-24 Webpage version
No. School name Full Name 1 Assembly of God Hebron Secondary School 神召會康樂中學Li Jackie 李澤政2 Assembly of God Hebron Secondary School 神召會康樂中學Wong Chun Hei 黃駿曦3 Bishop Hall Jubilee School 何明華會督銀禧中學Tsang Ho ...
HKICPA SSG Scholarship 2023-24 Final _Webpage version
HKICPA SSG Scholarship 2023-24 Final _Webpage version No.School nameFull Name1Assembly of God Hebron Secondary School 神召會康樂中學Li Jackie 李澤政2Assembly of God Hebron Secondary School 神召會康樂中學Wong Chun Hei ...