GilmanDisney Marvel Staff Offer
GilmanDisney Marvel Staff Offer 太平家電居優惠太平家電居優惠太平家電居優惠太平家電居優惠歡迎Whatsapp WhatsappWhatsappWhatsapp 9169 4045 9169 4045 9169 4045 9169 4045 9169 4045 9169 4045 9169 4045 9169 4045 9169 4045 9169 4045 查詢或訂 ...
1336_PD_SpecialistProgTaxation2018_A4 HKICPA’s Specialist Programmes in Taxation Professional Diploma in China Tax /Professional Diploma in Hong Kong Tax The two professional diplomas in taxation introduced by the Instit ...
HKICPA’s Specialist Programmes in Taxation Professional Diploma in China Tax /Professional Diploma in Hong Kong Tax These programmes provide participants with an integrated study of international tax ...
香港會計師公會講座: 如何處理好中國稅務局的稅務調查(再度開辦) 課程編號: 中國稅務局近年致力於打擊企業逃稅和避稅活動。在這講座中,主講嘉賓將會探討如何處理好中國稅務局的稅務調查,內容包括: (一) 税務調查的種類及《關於展開2015年稅收專項檢查工作的通知》的解讀與分析(二) 稅務局的審核與會面過程,包括:稅務局如何選擇調查的對象、審核的程序及所涉及的稅務問題、怎樣有效地處理與稅務局的會面和 ...
香港會計師公會講座: 如何處理好中國稅務局的稅務調查課程編號: TFP160311S 中國稅務局近年致力於打擊企業逃稅和避稅活動。在這講座中,主講嘉賓將會探討如何處理好中國稅務局的稅務調查,內容包括: (一) 税務調查的種類及《關於展開2015年稅收專項檢查工作的通知》的解讀與分析(二) 稅務局的審核與會面過程,包括:稅務局如何選擇調查的對象、審核的程序及所涉及的稅務問題、怎樣有效地處理與稅務局的 ...
Let's party! Come join the dance fun night to have a glimpse of different types of Ballroom Standard dance and Latin dance. Jazz and funk dance will also be featured. Dancing is one of the most po ...
4th Floor, Tower Two, Lippo Centre, Tel 電話: (852) 2287 7228 Web 網址: 1 89 Queensway, Hong Kong Fax 傳真: (852) 2865 6776 E-mail 電郵: 香港金鐘道89 號力寶中心二座四樓(852) 2865 6603 ...
4th Floor, Tower Two, Lippo Centre, Tel 電話:(852) 2287 7228 Web 網址: 89 Queensway, Hong Kong Fax 傳真: (852) 2865 6776 E-mail 電郵: 香港金鐘道89 號力寶中心二座四樓(852) 2865 6603 22 ...
4th Floor, Tower Two, Lippo Centre, Tel 電話:(852) 2287 7228 Web 網址: 89 Queensway, Hong Kong Fax 傳真: (852) 2865 6776 E-mail 電郵: 香港金鐘道89 號力寶中心二座四樓(852) 2865 6603 22 ...
4th Floor, Tower Two, Lippo Centre, Tel 電話:(852) 2287 7228 Web 網址: 89 Queensway, Hong Kong Fax 傳真: (852) 2865 6776 E-mail 電郵: 香港金鐘道89 號力寶中心二座四樓(852) 2865 6603 22 ...
HKICPA_Submission_ED_ISA_600_Sept 05
4th Floor, Tower Two, Lippo Centre, Tel 電話:(852) 2287 7228 Web 網址: 89 Queensway, Hong Kong Fax 傳真: (852) 2865 6776 E-mail 電郵: 香港金鐘道89 號力寶中心二座四樓(852) 2865 6603 22 ...
HKICPA_Submission_ED_ISA_260_Sept 05
4th Floor, Tower Two, Lippo Centre, Tel 電話:(852) 2287 7228 Web 網址: 89 Queensway, Hong Kong Fax 傳真: (852) 2865 6776 E-mail 電郵: 香港金鐘道89 號力寶中心二座四樓(852) 2865 6603 22 ...
17 March 2005 To: Members of the Hong Kong Institute of CPAs All other interested parties Draft Interpretation 25 Leases – Determination of the Length of Lease Term in respect of Hong Kong Land Leases ...
Our Ref.: C/CGC&PAIBC, M32103 20 December 2004 The Hon. Bernard Chan, Chairman of the Panel on Financial Affairs, Legislative Council Secretariat, 3rd floor, Citibank Tower, 3 Garden Road, Central ...
1336_PD_SpecialistProgTaxation2018_A4 HKICPA’s Specialist Programmes in Taxation Professional Diploma in China Tax /Professional Diploma in Hong Kong Tax The two professional diplomas in taxation introduced by the Instit ...
Venue Hong Kong Institute of CPAs, 27/F., Wu Chung House, 213 Queen’s Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong. KPMG Training Centre, 28/F., Oxford House, Tai Koo Place, 979 King’s Road, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong. F ...
Venue Hong Kong Institute of CPAs, 27/F., Wu Chung House, 213 Queen’s Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong. Format Seminar Language English Fee HK430 for HKICPA member or student; and IA/HKIAAT’s member or s ...
Venue Hong Kong Institute of CPAs Training Centre, 27/F., Wu Chung House, 213 Queen’s Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong. Format Seminar Language English Fee HK430 for HKICPA member or student; and IA/HKIA ...
H A RNESS I NG INNOVATION FOR THE FUTURE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 2017O N T H E COV E R This year’s annual report features innovation in Hong Kong as the theme. The technology sector and inventive think ...
1 Healthy Life Style and Stress Management Seminar Presented by: Mr. Leung Chi Ho Venue: HKICPA, 27/F, Wu Chung House, 213 Queen's Road East, Wanchai Date: 21 September 2018 Disclaimer The materia ...
Singing Technique Class (For Beginners) The Singing Interest Group (pop) has organized a singing technique class for beginners. If you are interested in sharpening your vocal singing for pop songs, do ...
Singing Technique Class (For Beginners) The Singing Interest Group (pop) has organized a singing technique class for beginners. If you are interested in sharpening your vocal singing for pop songs, do ...
Singing Technique Class (For Beginners) The Singing Interest Group (pop) has organized a singing technique class for beginners. If you are interested in sharpening your vocal singing for pop songs, do ...
New Books in Library (Aug 2011) Audit and Assurance Title /Author: 審計/中國注冊會計師協會編. Publisher: 北京: 經濟科學出版社, 2011 Year: 2011 Call No.: HF5667 .S5465 2011 Subject: Auditing—China—Examinations, questions, ...
Ms. Tera Mak /Ms. Shelby TaiManagerStudent Education & Training Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public AccountantsJoin a league of its own –Be a CPA2AgendaQ & ABenefits of QP & QP Affilia ...
自強不息-我的第一次(馬拉松2009) 歐陽幸懿自幼體弱多病的我,在2003 年參加了香港會計師公會的龍舟隊,便開始喜愛做運動。回想起初,逢星期日上午練習後,便有五至六天的肌肉酸痛,但抱著「做運動,身體好」的心態及在一班好友的鼓勵下,便一直維持至今。記得2005 年參加樂施會毅行者,路程是由北潭涌到屯門的一百公里麥理浩徑,我以34 小時54 分鐘完成全程,已覺得是一大突破。隨後這幾年間,我曾學習划 ...
Go – Karting in Shenzhen The Institute is organising a go-karting weekend at Xtreme Speedway in Shenzhen. This will be a great experience for motorsports enthusiasts. Whether you are a first-timer or ...