WeCare leaflet_Institute_140618
WeCare leaflet_Institute_140618 Lead Organizer: Organizers: Co-organizers: Supporting Organization: Baptist Oi Kwan Social Service Stress is common in city life and increasingly affecting our lives. T ...
WeCare leaflet_Institute_140618
WeCare leaflet_Institute_140618 Lead Organizer: Organizers: Co-organizers: Supporting Organization: Baptist Oi Kwan Social Service Stress is common in city life and increasingly affecting our lives. T ...
HKICPA to host Chief Executive election forum
(Hong Kong, 28 February 2017) The Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants is going to hold a forum on 10 March 2017 (Friday) at 6 p.m. at the Institute, 27/F Wu Chung House, 213 Queen' ...
wef 01
Appointment of Authorized Employers and Supervisors The Institute is pleased to appoint 4 member practices and organizations and 14 individuals as our authorized employers and supervisors in January 2 ...
Blackout dates2016
201 6 Agent BlackAgent Black Agent Black Agent BlackAgent Black -out Dates out Datesout Datesout Dates 以下日子不設佣金回扣(只適用於香港/九龍/屯門 澳門線) Commission not available on the below mentioned sailing datesCommiss ...
Hong Kong Institute of CPAs Four minutes stories for 40th anniversary video story contest The Institute’s 40 years of long and distinguished history is marked by a huge collection of stories. Some of ...
Background The Hong Kong Mortgage Corporation Limited ("HKMC") launched the SME Financing Guarantee Scheme ("Scheme") (中小企融資擔保計劃) in January 2011. The Scheme aims to help small and ...
1 New Books in Library (May 2010) Auditing and Assurance Title /Author: Auditing : [a business risk approach] /Audrey A. Grambling, Larry E. Rittenberg, Karla M. Johnstone Publisher: Mason, OH : South ...
Dance and Sing Fun Night Let’s sing and swing in this festive season. We promise it will be a fun-filled evening with live band and lucky draw. It’s a party for CPAs and their friends. Date: 18 Decemb ...
Dance and Sing Fun Night Let’s sing and swing in this festive season. We promise it will be a fun-filled evening with live band and lucky draw. It’s a party for CPAs and their friends. Date: 18 Decemb ...
獨立核數師報告致甲有限公司股東(於香港註冊成立的有限公司)1 本核數師(以下簡稱「我們」)已審核列載於第. . . 至. . . 頁甲有限公司的財務報表,此財務報表包括於二零零. . . 年十二月三十一日的資產負債表與截至該日止年度的收益表、[權益變動表或已確認收益和費用支表]和現金流量表,以及主要會計政策概要及其他附註解釋。董事就財務報表須承擔的責任董事須負責根據香港會計師公會頒佈的香港財務報告 ...
獨立核數師報告致甲有限公司股東(於香港註冊成立的有限公司)1 本核數師(以下簡稱「我們」)已審核列載於第. . . 至. . . 頁甲有限公司的財務報表,此財務報表包括於二零零. . . 年十二月三十一日的資產負債表與截至該日止年度的收益表、[權益變動表或已確認收益和費用支表]和現金流量表,以及主要會計政策概要及其他附註解釋。董事就財務報表須承擔的責任董事須負責根據香港會計師公會頒佈的香港財務報告 ...
獨立核數師報告致甲有限公司股東(於香港註冊成立的有限公司)1 本核數師(以下簡稱「我們」)已審核列載於第. . . 至. . . 頁甲有限公司的財務報表,此財務報表包括於二零零. . . 年十二月三十一日的資產負債表與截至該日止年度的收益表、[權益變動表或已確認收益和費用支表]和現金流量表,以及主要會計政策概要及其他附註解釋。董事就財務報表須承擔的責任董事須負責根據香港會計師公會頒佈的香港財務報告 ...
Feature Interview By Caroline Biebuyck Practical Experience: Views from the Ground Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu: Authorised Employer Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, one of the Big Four firms, is also one of the ...
1 2 September 2005 By email and by fax (2511 7414) (ada_sm_leung_lam@ird.gov.hk) Your Ref.: DAD(CR)483/141-14C Our Ref.: C/TXG, M36608 Inland Revenue Department 36/F, Revenue Tower 5 Gloucester Road W ...
Our Ref.: C/FRSC By e-mail and by post 18 August 2005 The International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee, International Accounting Standards Board, 30 Cannon Street, London EC4M 6XH, Unit ...
3 June 2005 By fax (2295 3180) and by post Our Ref.: C/CFC, M35194 Ms. Kelly Wick Assistant Vice President Listing Division Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited 11/F., One International Finance Ce ...
Ltr B_A_B 2004 criteria _sign__030305
-1 -BY FAX AND BY POST (2865 6778) Your Ref.: C3/17(04) 3 March 2005 Our Ref.: C/IPC, M33457 Mr. Alan Lo, Financial Services Branch, The Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau, 18th Floor, Admiral ...
050304.seminar flyer
交流晚宴暨研討會歡迎公會會員參加(內地業務關注組會員優先) 題目: 內地黨、政、軍、法的架構及組織介紹主講嘉賓: 廣東省社會科學院研究員葉和東先生主席: 內地業務關注組委員黃華燊先生研討會內容: 自中國加入世界貿易組織及「內地與香港關於建立更緊密經貿關係的安排」簽署以來,公會會員於內地工作、投資或營商的機會日益增多, 但由於對內地的黨、政、軍、法組織(如政治局、人大、政協、軍委、國務院部委、人民法 ...
-1 -BY E-MAIL AND BY POST Our Ref.: C/UII 24 September 2004 The International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee, International Accounting Standards Board, 30 Cannon Street, London EC4M 6XH ...
香港會計師公會香港金鐘道八十九號力寶中心二座四樓HONG KONG SOCIETY OF ACCOUNTANTS (Incorporated by the Professional Accountants Ordinance, Cap. 50) 4th Floor, Tower Two, Lippo Centre, 89 Queensway, Hong Kong. Tel: 2287 7228 F ...
香港會計師公會香港金鐘道八十九號力寶中心二座四樓HONG KONG SOCIETY OF ACCOUNTANTS (Incorporated by the Professional Accountants Ordinance, Cap. 50) 4th Floor, Tower Two, Lippo Centre, 89 Queensway, Hong Kong. Tel: 2287 7228 F ...
-1 -Dear News/Business Editor, 16 June 2004 HKSA proposes radical changes for investment property accounting Following the lead of International Standards and other major financial centres, the Hong S ...
-1 -BY FAX AND BY POST (2527 0790) Your Ref.: B9/32C(2004) Pt. 29 28 May 2004 Our Ref.: C/IPC, M27808 Mr. Danny Leung Financial Services Branch, Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau, 18/F., Admi ...