HKBN Handbill 202401231 ENG
客戶經理:郭先生MR Andy Kwok MR Andy KwokMR Andy Kwok MR Andy Kwok聯絡電話: 9848 7422 /3999 2574 9848 7422 /3999 2574 9848 7422 /3999 25749848 7422 /3999 2574 9848 7422 /3999 2574 9848 7422 /3999 25749848 7422 /3 ...
i Update No. 142 (Issued 12 March 2014) Document Reference and Title Instructions Explanations VOLUME III Contents of Volume III Discard the existing pages i to iv, and replace with the new pages i to ...
Event Detail - MyCPA
Event Detail - MyCPA Event Information Event code OTHR19041501 Language Simplified Chinese Event name Subscription to study materials of 2019 PRC CPA Uniform Examination 訂購2019年度中華人民共和國註冊會計師統一考試用書 Con ...
Venue Hong Kong Institute of CPAs, 27/F., Wu Chung House, 213 Queen’s Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong. Format Seminar Language English Fee HK430 for HKICPA member or student; and IA/HKIAAT’s member or s ...
Event Detail - MyCPA
Event Detail - MyCPA Event Information Event code OTHR19110301 Language Cantonese Event name Photography Sharing Sessions (S4) Enrolment restrictions For members only Contact Miss Betsy Liang at 2287 ...
Information Update MIC MIC Deputy SC
Qualification Programme (QP) Practical Experience Online System (Authorized Employer – Information Update Form) User GuidePage 1 of 21 Highlights of Authorized Employer Information Update How to updat ...
VogueHKICPA EFlyer 2022 CHIENG
Upon presenting your Upon presenting your Upon presenting your Upon presenting your Upon presenting your Upon presenting your Upon presenting your HKICPA HKICPA HKICPA member member card card card to ...
EQS 2020
1 Practice Review Self-assessment Questionnaire 2020 Important Notes Below are the contents of the questionnaire for your easy reference. While this can be used to help formulate your responses, pract ...
1 New Books in Library (Oct 2010) Audit and Assurance Title /Author: Module C : business assurance : learning pack /Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants Publisher: [London] : BPP Learni ...
Experiencing Dragon Boat Paddling
Experiencing Dragon Boat Paddling Photography Workshop The Photography IG has organized a two-day workshop with lecture and field trip to Mai Po for members to learn the basics of capturing creatures ...
Experiencing Dragon Boat Paddling
Experiencing Dragon Boat Paddling December Dance Dinner The Dance Interest Group (DIG) has organized the December dance dinner for members to network with your fellow members in a relaxed and informal ...
Experiencing Dragon Boat Paddling
Experiencing Dragon Boat Paddling September Dance Dinner The Dance Interest Group (DIG) has organized the September dance dinner for members to network with your fellow members in a relaxed and inform ...
HKBN Handbill 20241130 ENG
客戶經理:郭先生MR Andy Kwok MR Andy KwokMR Andy Kwok MR Andy Kwok聯絡電話: 9848 7422 /3999 2574 9848 7422 /3999 2574 9848 7422 /3999 25749848 7422 /3999 2574 9848 7422 /3999 2574 9848 7422 /3999 25749848 7422 /3 ...
HKBN Handbill 20240930 ENG
客戶經理:郭先生MR Andy Kwok MR Andy KwokMR Andy Kwok MR Andy Kwok聯絡電話: 9848 7422 /3999 2574 9848 7422 /3999 2574 9848 7422 /3999 25749848 7422 /3999 2574 9848 7422 /3999 2574 9848 7422 /3999 25749848 7422 /3 ...
New Academic Structure Review (Medium-term) – Moving Forward to Excel Curriculum Development Council (CDC) Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority (HKEAA) Education Bureau (EDB) October 2013 C ...
TechWatch is a publication designed to alert members to topics and issues that impact on CPAs and their working environment. We welcome your comments and feedback. Comments and suggestions on TechWatc ...
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1 The materials of this seminar are intended to provide general information and guidance on the subject concerned. Examples and other materials in this seminar are only for illustrative purposes and s ...
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北京·香港經濟合作研討洽談會BEIJING -HONG KONG ECONOMIC COOPERATION SYMPOSIUM Jointly organised by the Beijing Municipal Government, the Hong Kong Trade Development Council, the Federation of Hong Kong Industr ...
update 273
i Update No. 273 (Issued 18 May 2022) VOLUME III Document Reference and Title Instructions Explanations Contents of Volume III Discard existing pages i to v and replace with the revised pages i to vii ...
Event Detail - MyCPA
Event Detail - MyCPA Event Information Event code OTHR19101801 Language Cantonese Event name Photography Sharing Sessions (S1) Enrolment restrictions For members only Contact Miss Betsy Liang at 2287 ...