Form: SR-A1a (Oct 2014) Section 1 Personal Particular Title (Tick “” as appropriate) Mr. Miss Mrs. Ms. Surname Forename 中文姓名Name (Chinese) Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy) //HK Identity Card No. ( ) Pas ...
'Section 1 Personal Particular Title (Tick “” as appropriate) Mr. Miss Mrs. Ms. Surname Forename 中文姓名Name (Chinese) Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy) //HK Identity Card No. ( ) Passport No. Nationali ...
Section 1 Personal Particular Title (Tick “” as appropriate) Mr. Miss Mrs. Ms. Surname Forename 中文姓名Name (Chinese) Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy) //HK Identity Card No. ( ) Passport No. Nationality Pl ...
Section 1 Personal Particular Title (Tick “” as appropriate) Mr. Miss Mrs. Ms. Surname Forename 中文姓名Name (Chinese) Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy) //HK Identity Card No. ( ) Passport No. Nationality Pl ...
Section 1 Personal Particular Title (Tick “” as appropriate) Mr. Miss Mrs. Ms. Surname Forename 中文姓名Name (Chinese) Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy) //HK Identity Card No. ( ) Passport No. Nationality Pl ...
Section 1 Personal Particular Title (Tick “” as appropriate) Mr. Miss Mrs. Ms. Surname Forename 中文姓名Name (Chinese) Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy) //HK Identity Card No. ( ) Passport No. Nationality Pl ...
Section 1 Personal Particular Title (Tick “” as appropriate) Mr. Miss Mrs. Ms. Surname Forename 中文姓名Name (Chinese) Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy) //HK Identity Card No. ( ) Passport No. Nationality Pl ...
Re-application Form (Change Entry Route)
Re-application Form (Change Entry Route) Form: SR-A1a (Mar 2015) Section 1 Personal Particular Title (Tick “” as appropriate) Mr. Miss Mrs. Ms. Surname Forename 中文姓名Name (Chinese) Date of Birth (d ...
1 致:編採主任/新聞/財經版編輯內地及香港會計組織簽署《審計準則持續等效聯合聲明》準則全球通行,方便跨境商貿及上市(香港,二零一一年九月五日) — 內地與香港的審計準則制定機構今天簽署聯合聲明,雙方承諾維持兩地審計準則持續等效。中國審計準則委員會和香港會計師公會已於二零零七年十二月六日就內地審計準則與香港審計準則等效簽署了聯合聲明。簽署持續等效聯合聲明的代表一方香港會計師公會會長蔡永忠表示:「雙 ...
Table of contents Programme rundown 1 Adjudication panel 2-6 Executive summaries of written reports 7-14 from the eight finalist teams Acknowledgement 19 * Remarks: all executive summaries of written ...
Institute response to the proposed IESSA - Jul 24 本文概述了公會對IESBA所發佈的IESSA徵求意見稿之回應 於本年5月份,公會準則制訂部對國際會計師職業道德準則理事會(IESBA)所發佈的《國際可持續鑒證道德準則》(IESSA)徵求意見稿(ED-IESSA)作出回應。總體而言,公會支持ED-IESSA的發展,以維持公眾對可持續發展信息鑒證工作 ...
The Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants welcomes 2020-21 Budget relief measures to mitigate negative impact of new challenges
經濟環境嚴峻 香港會計師公會認為財政預算案有助紓困 (香港,二零二零年二月二十六日)香港會計師公會歡迎政府的二零二零至二一年度財政預算案,反映特區政府在新型冠狀病毒疫情及經濟下滑的情況下助市民應對難關。 新公佈的財政預算案提出了不少紓困措施,針對市民面對疫情、社會事件、環球經濟放緩及中美貿易爭議持續等連串不明朗因素時的需要。香港會計師公會會長江智蛟先生表示:「財政司司長預計來年會錄得1,391億港 ...
Singing Technique Classes The Singing Interest Group has organized a 12-session singing technique class for beginners. There will be a mini concert on the last session for students to gain stage exper ...
Let's party! Dancing is a great way to de-stress and enlarge your social network. Come join the dance fun night to have a glimpse of different types of Ballroom dance, Latin dance and Jazz Funk da ...
Singing Technique Classes The Singing Interest Group has organized a 12-session singing technique class for beginners. There will be a mini concert on the last session for students to gain stage exper ...
Let's party! Dancing is a great way to de-stress and enlarge your social network. Come join the dance fun night to have a glimpse of different types of Ballroom dance, Latin dance and Jazz Funk da ...
Singing Technique Classes The Singing Interest Group has organized two 12-session singing technique classes for beginners. Each class will wrap up with a mini concert for students to gain performance ...
Singing Technique Classes The Singing Interest Group has organized two 12-session singing technique classes for beginners. Each class will wrap up with a mini concert for students to gain performance ...
Singing Technique Classes The Singing Interest Group has organized two 12-session singing technique classes for beginners. Each class will wrap up with a mini concert for students to gain performance ...
Singing Technique Classes The Singing Interest Group has organized two 12-session singing technique classes for beginners. Each class will wrap up with a mini concert for students to gain performance ...
Singing Technique Class The Singing Interest Group has organized two 12-session singing technique classes for beginners. Each class will wrap up with a mini concert for students to gain performance ex ...
DDaannccee IInntteerreesstt GGrroouupp iiss pplleeaasseedd ttoo ooffffeerr aa bbrraanndd nneeww ddaanncciinngg eexxppeerriieennccee wwiitthh MMss PPoollllyy CChheeuunngg ooff TThhee WWoorrlldd DDaannc ...
DDaannccee IInntteerreesstt GGrroouupp iiss pplleeaasseedd ttoo ooffffeerr aa bbrraanndd nneeww ddaanncciinngg eexxppeerriieennccee wwiitthh MMss PPoollllyy CChheeuunngg ooff TThhee WWoorrlldd DDaannc ...
Dancing does not only keep your body and mind agile, it is also a great way to de-stress and enlarge your social network. Come and experience yourself at the dance fun night with highlights as follows ...
Dancing does not only keep your body and mind agile, it is also a great way to de-stress and enlarge your social network. Come and experience yourself at the dance fun night with highlights as follows ...