浙江财经大学财务管理专业(普通财务管理) 学生/毕业生报考QP之课程规定备注:学生须修读上述学科/课程,以符合报考QP 的注册要求。带课程在课程设置上属选修课,在校学生修读选修课时应该优先选读切勿漏选。QP课程学科范畴学科名称单元A -财务汇报财务会计/财务报告010010235 基础会计010030050 中级财务会计010040030 高级财务会计法律(含商业法及公司法) 440010030 ...
浙江财经大学财务管理专业(普通财务管理) 学生/毕业生报考QP之课程规定备注:学生须修读上述学科/课程,以符合报考QP 的注册要求。带课程在课程设置上属选修课,在校学生修读选修课时应该优先选读切勿漏选。QP课程学科范畴学科名称单元A -财务汇报财务会计/财务报告010010235 基础会计010030050 中级财务会计010040030 高级财务会计法律(含商业法及公司法) 440010030 ...
Singing Technique Class The Singing Interest Group (pop) has organized a singing technique class. If you are interested in sharpening your vocal singing for pop songs, don't miss this opportunity ...
Singing Technique Class The Singing Interest Group (pop) has organized a singing technique class. If you are interested in sharpening your vocal singing for pop songs, don't miss this opportunity ...
Singing Technique Class The Singing Interest Group (pop) has organized a singing technique class. If you are interested in sharpening your vocal singing for pop songs, don't miss this opportunity ...
Singing Technique Class The Singing Interest Group (pop) has organized a singing technique class. If you are interested in sharpening your vocal singing for pop songs, don't miss this opportunity ...
Chinese Pop Songs Singing Class The Singing Interest Group (SgIG) has organized a Chinese pop songs singing class with recording sessions featured in the training course (流行歌唱實習及錄音室體驗課程). If you are i ...
Singing Class - Feb - Apr 2011_rv
Pop songs singing class The Singing Interest Group (SgIG) has organised a pop songs singing class with recording featured in the training course (流行歌唱實習及錄音室體驗課程). If you are interested in sharpening y ...
Circular_SgIG121012(Chinese) Chinese Pop Songs Singing Class The Singing Interest Group (SgIG) has organized a Chinese pop songs singing class. If you are interested in sharpening your vocal singing, ...
Circular_SgIG120720(Chinese) Chinese Pop Songs Singing Class The Singing Interest Group (SgIG) has organized a Chinese pop songs singing class. If you are interested in sharpening your vocal singing, ...
浙江财经大学会计学院财务管理专业(普通财务管理) 学生/毕业生报考QP之课程规定备注:学生须修读上述学科/课程,以符合报考QP的注册要求。带课程在课程设置上属选修课,在校学生修读选修课时应该优先选读切勿漏选。QP课程学科范畴学科名称单元A -财务汇报财务会计/财务报告010010235 基础会计010030050 中级财务会计010040030 高级财务会计 法律(含商业法及公司法) 440010 ...
辦公室助理Office Assistant (編號: OA-F&O) 工作內容: 負責一般辦公室茶水工作負責一般辦公室茶水工作,辦公室清潔工作及相關雜務如保持辦公室清潔工作及相關雜務如保持辦公室清潔工作及相關雜務如保持辦公室清潔工作及相關雜務如保持各房間、會議室茶水整潔各房間、會議室茶水整潔, 確保茶水間日常用品充足確保茶水間日常用品充足確保茶水間日常用品充足 處理內部和外的文件傳遞處理 ...