2 Leases – Determination of the Length of Lease Term in respect of Hong Kong Land Leases HK Interpretation 4 HK Interpretation 4 Issued May 2005Revised December 2009 Effective on 24 May 2005LEASES – D ...
Members’ Handbook Update No. 6 (Issued September 2004) This Update encloses the revised and new pages of the Members’ Handbook as a result of the passage of the Professional Accountants (Amendment) Or ...
PDI flyer_published
Medium of Instruction Programme Objective Programme Coverage Module A Liquidation and Personal Insolvency • Liquidation (18.5 hours) • Personal Insolvency (including Individual Voluntary Arrangements) ...
NEWS HKICPA/HKABE BAFS Mock Examination HKICPA/HKABE BAFS Mock Examination Examination timetable Examination paper Examination date AM session PM session Paper 1 (Compulsory part) 08:30-09:45 13:45-1 ...
NEWS HKICPA/HKABE BAFS Mock Examination HKICPA/HKABE BAFS Mock Examination Examination timetable Examination paper Examination date AM session PM session Paper 1 (Compulsory part) 08:30-09:45 13:45-1 ...
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Golf Day at Kau Sai Chau Public Golf Course (South/East Course) The Golf Interest Group (GIG) has organized a golf day at Kau Sai Chau for different levels of players. The South Course is more player ...
Golf Day at Kau Sai Chau Public Golf Course (South/East Course) The Golf Interest Group (GIG) has organised a golf day at Kau Sai Chau for different levels of players. The South Course is more player ...
Ocean Park_Booking Form
海洋公園哈囉喂全日祭2016優越門票及特別主題套餐套票Halloween Fest Premium Ticket with Special Themed Menu Package 哈囉喂全日祭2016指定活動日期Ocean Park Halloween Fest 2016 Event Dates: Oct 2, 7-10, 14-16, 20-23, 27-31, 2016 (Total 17 D ...
Snooker League 2016 To allow CPA snooker players to gain match experience and promote fellowship among members, Snooker Interest Group (SnIG) is organizing a 3-day Snooker League (mixed league) in Jul ...
Golf Day at Kau Sai Chau Public Golf Course (South/East Course) The Golf Interest Group (GIG) has organised a golf day at Kau Sai Chau for different levels of players. The South Course is more player ...
Golf Day at Kau Sai Chau Public Golf Course (South/East Course) The Golf Interest Group (GIG) has organised a golf day at Kau Sai Chau for different levels of players. The South Course is more player ...
20151008_Marathon Training Courses
Standard Chartered Marathon Training Programmes The Athletics Interest Group (AIG) has organized a series of training programmes to cater for different levels of runners for the Standard Chartered Hon ...
DDaannccee IInntteerreesstt GGrroouupp iiss pplleeaasseedd ttoo ooffffeerr aa bbrraanndd nneeww ddaanncciinngg eexxppeerriieennccee wwiitthh MMss PPoollllyy CChheeuunngg ooff TThhee WWoorrlldd DDaannc ...
Golf Day at Kau Sai Chau Public Golf Course (South/East Course) The Golf Interest Group (GIG) has organised a golf day at Kau Sai Chau for different levels of players. The South Course is more player ...
WWaanntt ttoo uunnwwiinndd yyoouurr bbuussyy ddaayy wwiitthh ffrreeeessttyyllee ddaanncciinngg iinn ppooppuullaarr hhiittss?? SSiiggnn uupp ffoorr tthhee bbeeggiinnnneerr''ss ccoouurrssee ffoo ...