Hing Shing Petroleum Co. Ltd. (興盛石油有限公司) is pleased to offer special discount and complimentary service to our members with details as follows: OOffffeerr Shell Discount Card Discount Program Petrol: ...
Hing Shing Petroleum Co. Ltd. (興盛石油有限公司) is pleased to offer special discount and complimentary service to our members with details as follows: OOffffeerr Shell Discount Card Discount Program Petrol: ...
Summary Profile of the Management Team and Teaching Staff Involved in the Programme管理和教学团队师资情况报表Name of University/Programme Provider大学/ 课程营运机构名称:Name of Programme专业名称:Name and rank教师姓名及职称Full time/Pa ...
VogueHKICPA EFlyer 2022 CHIENG
Upon presenting your Upon presenting your Upon presenting your Upon presenting your Upon presenting your Upon presenting your Upon presenting your HKICPA HKICPA HKICPA member member card card card to ...
160522_Geopark visit_1
Hong Kong Geopark Visit The Athletics Interest Group has organised a one-day boat trip to Tap Mun and Tung Ping Chau (塔門及東平洲) of the Hong Kong Geopark. This is a special educational guided tour (condu ...
160522_Geopark visit
Hong Kong Geopark Visit The Athletics Interest Group has organised a one-day boat trip to Tap Mun and Tung Ping Chau (塔門及東平洲) of the Hong Kong Geopark. This is a special educational guided tour (condu ...
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1 致:編採主任/新聞財經版輯香港會計師公對香港會計師公對香港會計師公對香港會計師公對一名註冊學生註冊學生作出紀律處分作出紀律處分(香港, (香港, 二零一七年七月十日) 香港會計師公轄下一紀律委員,於二零香港會計師公轄下一紀律委員,於二零香港會計師公轄下一紀律委員,於二零香港會計師公轄下一紀律委員,於二零七年六月七日頒布陳韻怡(註冊學生編號: S038498S038498S038498S0384 ...
University of International Business and Economics 对外经济贸易大学会计专业方向香港会计师公会(以下简称“公会”)于2009 年通过了对外经济贸易大学国际商学院的管理学学士学位(会计专业)的评审。这意味着所修课程符合公会要求的会计专业毕业生,在毕业后可申请报读香港会计师公会的专业资格(QP)课程、并在达到相应的工作经验要求后成为香港会计师。报读条件 ...
University of International Business and Economics 对外经济贸易大学会计专业方向香港会计师公会(以下简称“公会”)于2009 年通过了对外经济贸易大学国际商学院的管理学学士学位(会计专业)的评审。这意味着所修课程符合公会要求的会计专业毕业生,在毕业后可申请报读香港会计师公会的专业资格(QP)课程、并在达到相应的工作经验要求后成为香港会计师。报读条件 ...
University of International Business and Economics 对外经济贸易大学会计专业方向香港会计师公会(以下简称“公会”)于2009 年通过了对外经济贸易大学国际商学院的管理学学士学位(会计专业)的评审。这意味着所修课程符合公会要求的会计专业毕业生,在毕业后可申请报读香港会计师公会的专业资格(QP)课程、并在达到相应的工作经验要求后成为香港会计师。报读条件 ...
University of International Business and Economics 对外经济贸易大学会计专业方向香港会计师公会(以下简称“公会”)于2009 年通过了对外经济贸易大学国际商学院的管理学学士学位(会计专业)的评审。这意味着所修课程符合公会要求的会计专业毕业生,在毕业后可申请报读香港会计师公会的专业资格(QP)课程、并在达到相应的工作经验要求后成为香港会计师。报读条件 ...
University of International Business and Economics 对外经济贸易大学会计专业方向香港会计师公会(以下简称“公会”)于2009 年通过了对外经济贸易大学国际商学院的管理学学士学位(会计专业)的评审。这意味着所修课程符合公会要求的会计专业毕业生,在毕业后可申请报读香港会计师公会的专业资格(QP)课程、并在达到相应的工作经验要求后成为香港会计师。报读条件 ...
University of International Business and Economics 对外经济贸易大学会计专业方向香港会计师公会(以下简称“公会”)于2009 年通过了对外经济贸易大学国际商学院的管理学学士学位(会计专业)的评审。这意味着所修课程符合公会要求的会计专业毕业生,在毕业后可申请报读香港会计师公会的专业资格(QP)课程、并在达到相应的工作经验要求后成为香港会计师。报读条件 ...
University of International Business and Economics 对外经济贸易大学会计专业方向香港会计师公会(以下简称“公会”)于2009 年通过了对外经济贸易大学国际商学院的管理学学士学位(会计专业)的评审。这意味着所修课程符合公会要求的会计专业毕业生,在毕业后可申请报读香港会计师公会的专业资格(QP)课程、并在达到相应的工作经验要求后成为香港会计师。报读条件 ...
「內地勞動合同法」研討會2007 年11 月27 日香港會計師公會與香港貿易發展局於2007年11月27日在香港會議展覽中心舉辦了一個「內地勞動合同法」的晚間研討會,並邀請了眾達國際法律事務所顧問律師宋利國博士及天柏人才顧問(上海)有限公司總經理胡倩女士擔任主講嘉賓。由於收到與會者大量提問,應公會要求,講者同意就當日在研討會上提出的問題作出書面答覆,以饗全體公會會員。Note to user Th ...
SmarTone Flyer Aug 2025 CHN
優惠有效期至2025年8月31日。流動數據服務計劃只適用於攜號轉台及新上台客戶;5G寬頻服務及智能訊息方案只適用於新上台客戶。服務計劃只供以香港身份證申請,並經網上平台登記及簽約24個月。登記所需文件:香港身份證,地址證明及員工證。# 通話分鐘收費的計算方法以每分鐘為單位,不足一分鐘亦作一分鐘計算。其後收費為HK0.5/min。 當每月本地數據用量達到20GB,數據服務仍可繼續,唯將不高於1Mbp ...
Event Detail - MyCPA
Event Detail - MyCPA Event Information Event code SCPD19101001 Language Cantonese Event name Biotech companies in Hong Kong – How to smoothly list and raise capital 生物科技公司如何在香港輕鬆上市及順利融資 CPD hours 1.5 ...
Event Detail - MyCPA
Event Detail - MyCPA Event Information Event code ESEREF02301 Language Mandarin Event name 上市前國內稅務籌劃 CPD hours 1.5 Competency Corporate finance,Taxation Level 1 - Foundation Contact 2287 7381 for Paym ...
Event Detail - MyCPA
Event Detail - MyCPA Event Information Event code ESEREF02401 Language Mandarin Event name 上市前國內帳目處理及規範 CPD hours 1.5 Competency Corporate finance Level 1 - Foundation Contact 2287 7381 for Payment &a ...
Event Detail - MyCPA
Event Detail - MyCPA Event Information Event code COUR18103001 Language Cantonese Event name Standard Chartered Marathon Training Programmes - Class 4 Contact info@marathontrainingcentre.com.hk Descri ...
Event Detail - MyCPA
Event Detail - MyCPA Event Information Event code OTHR19113001 Language Cantonese Event name Autumn hiking (Tsz Wan Shan – Shatin Pass and Lion Rock) 慈沙古道上獅山 Enrolment restrictions For HKICPA members ...
Singing Technique Classes The Singing Interest Group has organized a 12-session singing technique class for beginners. There will be a mini concert on the last session for students to gain stage exper ...
Singing Technique Classes The Singing Interest Group has organized a 12-session singing technique class for beginners. There will be a mini concert on the last session for students to gain stage exper ...
Singing Technique Classes The Singing Interest Group has organized two 12-session singing technique classes for beginners. Each class will wrap up with a mini concert for students to gain performance ...
Singing Technique Classes The Singing Interest Group has organized two 12-session singing technique classes for beginners. Each class will wrap up with a mini concert for students to gain performance ...
Singing Technique Classes The Singing Interest Group has organized two 12-session singing technique classes for beginners. Each class will wrap up with a mini concert for students to gain performance ...
Singing Technique Classes The Singing Interest Group has organized two 12-session singing technique classes for beginners. Each class will wrap up with a mini concert for students to gain performance ...
Singing and Guitar Playing Class (Re-run) The Singing Interest Group has organized a 6-session singing and guitar playing class for beginners. If you would like to sing your favourite tune while playi ...
Singing Technique Class The Singing Interest Group has organized two 12-session singing technique classes for beginners. Each class will wrap up with a mini concert for students to gain performance ex ...
Singing and Guitar Playing Class (for beginners) The Singing Interest Group has organized a 4-session singing and guitar playing class for beginners. If you would like to sing your favourite tune whil ...
Singing and Guitar Playing Class (for beginners) The Singing Interest Group has organized a 4-session singing and guitar playing class for beginners. If you would like to sing your favourite tune whil ...
Singing Technique Class The Singing Interest Group has organized two 12-session singing technique classes for beginners. Each class will wrap up with a mini concert for students to gain performance ex ...
Singing Technique Class The Singing Interest Group has organized two 12-session singing technique classes for beginners. Each class will wrap up with a mini concert for students to gain performance ex ...
Singing and Guitar Playing Class (for beginners) The Singing Interest Group has organized an 8-session singing and guitar playing class for beginners. If you would like to sing your favourite tune whi ...
Singing Technique Classes The Singing Interest Group has organized a 12-session singing technique class for beginners. There will be a Mini Concert at the end for students to gain stage experience. If ...
Singing and Guitar Playing Class (for beginners) The Singing Interest Group has organized an 8-session singing and guitar playing class for beginners. If you would like to sing your favourite tune whi ...
Singing Technique Classes The Singing Interest Group has organized a 12-session singing technique class for beginners. There will be a Mini Concert on the last class for students to gain stage experie ...
Guitar Ensemble Class (for beginners) The Singing Interest Group has organized an 8-session guitar ensemble class for beginners. At the end of the course, all students will put together a Mini Concert ...
Singing and Guitar Playing Class (for beginners) The Singing Interest Group has organized an 8-session singing and guitar playing class for beginners. If you would like to sing your favourite tune whi ...
Singing Technique Classes_1409
Singing Technique Classes The Singing Interest Group has organized a singing technique class for beginners. If you are interested in sharpening your vocal singing for pop songs, don't miss this op ...
Singing Technique Classes_1409_1
Singing Technique Classes The Singing Interest Group has organized a singing technique class for beginners. If you are interested in sharpening your vocal singing for pop songs, don't miss this op ...
1 致:編採主任及記者: 會計專業成就香港蛻變為金融重地A Plus 六月號現已出版,本期專題包括公會在即將離任的行政總裁張智媛的任期內所創造的各種成就,也探討會計師事務所如何對為人父母的員工作出支援、會計師與律師合組跨界別的事務所,以及了解世界自然基金會香港分會財務總監區慕英轉職非牟利機構的原因(香港,六月四日) — 過去二十年,香港會計師公會見證了B 股及H 股的誕生、強積金計劃的推行、企業管 ...
"Rich Kid, Poor Kid" in the news
Working together with our accountant members, HKICPA is committed to promoting financial literacy throughout the city. Over the years, we have embraced a culture of financial management education amon ...
RSCP Basketball Tournament 2017_final accounts
RSCP Basketball Tournamet 2017 Final accounts HKICPA HKIA HKBA HKDA LSHK HKMA HKIS 1 Tournament organizer (Sportarts) 43,500.00 2 Medals and Trophies (Esprince) a Medals * 60 pcs 2,580.00 b Trophies * ...
廣東省國家稅務局與香港會計師公會稅務交流會議摘記2015 此資料只供本會會員及學生及本會稅務專項學會會員使用,不得對外發放1 前言香港會計師公會(“公會”)非常榮幸能與廣東省國家稅務局(“省國稅”) 於2015 年12 月11 日在廣州舉行交流會議,並就不同稅務議題誠摯討論和交流。以下是由公會撰寫的會議摘記。請注意:此摘記謹代表省國稅與會人員的個人意見及只可視作一般參考文件,並不會對任何與會人士構 ...
廣東省地方稅務局與香港會計師公會稅務交流會議摘記2016 此資料只供本會會員及學生及本會稅務師會會員使用,不得對外發放前言香港會計師公會(“公會”)非常榮幸能與廣東省地方稅務局(“省地稅”) 於2016 年12 月6 日在廣州舉行交流會議,並就不同稅務議題誠摯討論和交流。以下是由公會撰寫的會議摘記。請注意:此摘記謹代表省地稅與會人員的個人意見及只可視作一般參考文件,並不會對任何與會人士構成約束力。 ...
廣東省地方稅務局與香港會計師公會稅務交流會議摘記2016 此資料只供本會會員及學生及本會稅務師會會員使用,不得對外發放前言香港会计师公会(“公会”)非常荣幸能与广东省地方税务局(“省地税”) 于2016 年12 月6 日在广州举行交流会议,并就不同税务议题诚挚讨论和交流。以下是由公会撰写的会议摘记。请注意:此摘记谨代表省地税与会人员的个人意见及只可视作一般参考文件,并不会对任何与会人士构成约束力。 ...