Golf Trip to Palm Island Resort Golf Interest Group (GIG) is organizing a 2-day-1-night Golf Trip to Palm Island Resort (PIR), Guangdong for its members. Come enjoy an overnight trip at this golfing p ...
Golf Trip to Palm Island Resort Golf Interest Group (GIG) is organizing a 2-day-1-night Golf Trip to Palm Island Resort (PIR), Guangdong for its members. Come enjoy an overnight trip at this hidden pa ...
Let's party! Come join the dance fun night to have a glimpse of different types of Ballroom Standard dance and Latin dance. Jazz and funk dance will also be featured. Dancing is one of the most po ...
Precautionary Measures at the Examination Centres (Dec 2020 - China)
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Mem-1307_Issue 2
Dear MBIG Member, In this issue of the MBIG Circular, we have: MBIG Lunch Seminar on "Analysis of the Interactions among the Economies of China, US and Europe" (16 August 2013) [NEW] Cross ...
HKICPA_Order Form_final
Investors hardly go into the detail about a company's annual reports and figures. Armed with professional accounting and practical experience, Wong Ling, being an ex-investment banker and a corpor ...
準則趨同的更新文件(二零一八年九月廿七日) 為了保持企業會計準則與國際財務報告準則持續趨同,中國財政部正進行企業會計準則的修訂工作。於二零一八年一月,財政部就新租賃準則發出徵求意見稿,邀請公眾發表意見,以與國際會計準則理事會頒佈的國際財務報告準則第16號《租賃》保持一致。公會對該徵求意見稿進行分析,顯示所建議的新企業會計準則與相應的香港/國際財務報告準則第16號原則上趨同。於二零一八年六月一日,公 ...
HKICPA YOUNG MEMBERS HKICPA 主頁尋找朋友加入群組Young Members Committee Upcoming events The main objectives of the Young Members Committee (YMC) are to provide effective channels of communication between young ...