1/F, Dance Union, North Point Industrial Building, 499 King’s Road, North Point. 香港北角英皇道499號北角工業大厦一樓
4/F, Bel Trade Commercial Building, 3 Burrows Street, Wanchai, Hong Kong. (香港灣仔巴路士街3號百營商業大厦4樓全層)
新光宴會廳Hsin Kuang Banquet Hall 黃大仙龍翔道120號新光中心2樓(2/F, Hsin Kuang Centre, 120 Lung Cheung Rd., Wong Tai Sin)
喜來登舞蹈尖沙咀加拿芬道25-31號國際商業信貸銀行大廈13樓(13th Floor, BCC Building, 25-31 Carnarvon Road, TST)
百樂會尖沙咀加拿芬道25-31號國際商業信貸銀行大廈9樓(9th Floor, BCC Building, 25-31 Carnarvon Road, TST)
Ingrid Millet
Paris is pleased to offer special discount and complimentary service to our members with details as follows: OOffffeerrss 1. 10% off on regular-priced skincare and cosmetic products 2. Receive a FREE ...
2018_Exam Review_Paper 1
Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (香港會計師公會) AND Hong Kong Association for Business Education (香港商業教育學會) Pre-exam. Technique Seminar (應試前技巧工作坊) Business, Accounting and Financial Stud ...
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