Developments in Labour Law in Mainland China Programme Code: S120919S The seminar will provide basic background of China labour law and information about developments of China labour contract law and ...
Analysing Qualitative Aspects of HK-listed Companies (re-run) Programme Code: W120915AS This workshop will introduce the tools and methodologies to analyse some of the qualitative aspects of listed co ...
Hong Kong’s securities regulation in the aftermath of the financial crisis Programme Code: S120912S Topics of the seminar include the following: 1. Brief overview of the financial crisis and effects i ...
HHKKEExx Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Reporting Programme Code: S120911S The seminar will talk about Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) reporting, a new initiative of the Hong Ko ...
Valuation for M&A Transactions and Impact on Financial Reporting Programme Code: S120822S The seminar will address issues regarding valuation for M&A transactions including the regulatory fram ...
Hong Kong and Singapore – a comparison from a tax perspective Programme Code: TFP120912S Hong Kong and Singapore have often been compared in terms of economic development over the last few decades. In ...
Presenting with High Impact Programme Code: W120929S The ability to communicate and present precisely may be the most important skill professional accountants and business managers need. The need for ...
Enhancing your business management and positive mindset with NLP Programme Code: W120901AS Nowadays people are living in a fast growing and unpredictable world full of changes and challenges, especial ...
The new UK Bribery Act – are you prepared? Programme Code: S120828S Dealing with bribery and corruption is becoming an increasingly difficult yet critical challenge for companies operating in an inter ...
Advanced Negotiation and Bargaining Skills for Finance Professionals (re-run) Programme Code: W120917S Most people find that effective negotiations help their everyday lives both at work and personall ...
Hong Kong Advance Pricing Arrangement Program Programme Code: TFP120817S On 29 March 2012, the Hong Kong Inland Revenue Department (“IRD”) released Departmental Interpretation and Practice Notes No. 4 ...
M&A in China – A Practical Guide Programme Code: TFP120730S The seminar will provide a practical guide to M&A in China including: Typical due diligence issues encountered from both a financia ...
Property Valuation in Hong Kong Programme Code: S120813S Real estates have been a major pillar of Hong Kong’s economy. A healthy property market facilitates the effective functioning of our business, ...
Annual Taxation Update 2012 Programme Code: C120714S Date SSaattuurrddaayy,, 1144 JJuullyy 22001122 Time 99::0000 aa..mm.. –– 11::0000 pp..mm.. (Registration starts at 8:30 a.m.) Venue Ballroom, Inter ...
Valuation for M&A Transactions and Impact on Financial Reporting Programme Code: S120723 The seminar will address issues regarding valuation for M&A transactions including the regulatory frame ...
Corporate Environmental Management Programme Code: S120719 The importance of corporate environmental & social responsibility and accountability has long been recognized by many governments and bus ...
Financial Planning Process (re-run) Programme Code: S120801 Accurate and timely financial planning is critical to a company’s growth and overall success. Financial planning also encourages forward thi ...
How to engage professionally with mediation Programme Code: S120806 The seminar will provide an overview of the mediation process followed by a dynamic live mediation role play. Introduction to confl ...