Circular on Reporting on General Charitable Fund-raising Activities Covered by Public Subscription Permits issued by the Social Welfare Department (Other than Flag Days) 1 This Circular is intended to ...
TechWatch updates you on technical developments in financial reporting, auditing, regulation and business. The Institute welcomes your comment, emailed to . Click here for past issues. Contents Spotli ...
Credentials - June 2002 Capital Investment Entrant Scheme Presented by : Mr Andy Y. M. CHAN, Immigration Officer of Hong Kong Immigration Department Venue: Hong Kong Institute of CPAs Training Centre, ...
GilmanDisney Marvel Staff Offer
GilmanDisney Marvel Staff Offer 太平家電居優惠太平家電居優惠太平家電居優惠太平家電居優惠歡迎Whatsapp WhatsappWhatsappWhatsapp 9169 4045 9169 4045 9169 4045 9169 4045 9169 4045 9169 4045 9169 4045 9169 4045 9169 4045 9169 4045 查詢或訂 ...
北京·香港經濟合作研討洽談會BEIJING -HONG KONG ECONOMIC COOPERATION SYMPOSIUM Jointly organised by the Beijing Municipal Government, the Hong Kong Trade Development Council, the Federation of Hong Kong Industr ...
Nina Hotel TWW - Chill Out Staycation Apr 2022_DW
Escapescapescapescapescapefrom the hustle andfrom the hustle andfrom the hustle andfrom the hustle andfrom the hustle andfrom the hustle andfrom the hustle andfrom the hustle andfrom the hustle andfro ...