HKICPA seminar: Localisation of BEPS in China Programme Code: TFP151216S We are lucky to be in the generation where we are able to witness the shaping and formation of the Transfer Pricing (“TP”) grou ...
HKICPA/CFA Institute/HKSFA joint seminar: Portfolio Pumping in Singapore – Myth or Reality? Programme Code: S151210J The Global Market Sentiment Survey 2013 ("GMSS") of the CFA Institute sho ...
HKICPA seminar: Behind the Veil of Share Award Scheme Programme Code: S151130S Share Award Scheme is very popular in Hong Kong and overseas. It serves to recognize staff's contributions to a compa ...
HKICPA seminar: Advance Rulings -Decline and Fall? Programme Code: TFP151201S Advance Ruling ("AR") applications are submissions made to the Inland Revenue Department ("IRD") askin ...
HKICPA seminar: Competition Ordinance for SMEs Programme Code: S151202S The Competition Ordinance (Cap. 619) will become effective on 14 December 2015 and is expected to have major impacts on the busi ...
HKICPA seminar: IT Solutions for NGOs in Hong Kong Programme Code: S151123AS Most of the Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) in Hong Kong, especially those of small and medium size, are operating wi ...
HKICPA seminar: BEPS Revised Circular 2 ? Programme Code: TFP151116S In this seminar, the speaker will discuss the key changes from the draft of the China State Administration of Taxation's Revi ...
HKICPA seminar: Corporate Governance and Development on Risk Management and Internal Control (re-run) Programme Code: S151116S The HKEx is committed to the highest standards of corporate governance an ...
International Tax Update Programme Code: TFA In a globalised business environment, tax authorities around the world are taking a more international outlook and extending their focus beyond their own b ...
HKICPA seminar: Valuation Series – Introduction to Business Valuation Programme Code: S151111S Accountants in practice or business often face questions relating to business valuation, e.g. financial r ...
HKICPA seminar: Groundbreaking Transfer Pricing Development in Mainland China Programme Code: TFP151104S On 17 September 2015, China’s State Administration of Taxation ("SAT") issued a groun ...
HKICPA seminar: Recent Developments in Intellectual Property Trading and the Review of Patent System in Hong Kong Programme Code: S151105S Hong Kong is one of the innovative and creative economy leade ...
HKICPA workshop: Audit of Licensed Corporations Programme Code: W151029S This workshop will provide an introduction to audits of licensed corporations which are regulated by the Hong Kong Securities a ...
HKICPA seminar: Demystifying Cyber Risk – Perspective From An Ethical Hacker Programme Code: S151027S Cyber security incidents have hit the headlines more frequently in recent years. Despite better cy ...
HKICPA seminar: How to make use of the new Corporate Treasury Centre Policy to achieve success in treasury management Programme Code: S151030S Nowadays, the treasury functions of the companies are exp ...
HKICPA seminar: When Big Data Meets Finance and Accounting Programme Code: S151007S What roles should finance professionals play in the big data era? What finance related questions, which could not be ...
HKICPA seminar: Valuation Series – Natural Resources Valuation Programme Code: S151019S This seminar is designed to provide an introduction to the valuation of natural resources. The speaker will disc ...
FATCA from a practical perspective Programme Code: TFA This is a landmark time for taxpayers to become compliant with their international reporting requirements for two reasons. First, the Foreign Acc ...
HKICPA seminar: Public Private Partnerships in China Programme Code: S151015S It is believed that Public Private Partnerships ("PPPs") help drive infrastructure projects and accelerate urban ...
HKICPA seminar: Effective Risk Management: Dealing with Regulatory and Liquidators' Requests and Disciplinary Proceedings Programme Code: S150929AS With ever increasing regulatory activities in Ho ...
HKICPA/CIMA joint workshop: Risk Management (re-run) Programme Code Sessions 1-6: W151004J Sessions 1-5: W151004AJ HKICPA and CIMA are going to jointly organize a three-day workshop with six sessions ...
HKICPA seminar: Audit Issues in Big Data Era Programme Code: S150911S In a world of ever increasing data richness and complexity, data science has captured the business news headlines as organizations ...
HKICPA seminar: How Big Data Brings Big Advantages to the Efficiency of Finance Functions Programme Code: S150918S A company's finance function is now expected to provide much of business insights ...
HKICPA seminar: Personal Bankruptcy Regime in Hong Kong Programme Code: S150908S This seminar will provide an overview of the personal bankruptcy regime in Hong Kong. The speaker will cover various st ...
HKICPA seminar: New HKCO: Impacts on Financial Reporting Programme Code: S150930S The new Hong Kong Companies Ordinance ("HKCO") has imposed various significant changes on the financial repo ...
HKICPA seminar: Sell-Side Financial Due Diligence Programme Code: S150914S Sell-side financial due diligence is a unique process to assist sellers to prepare for M&A transactions with potential bu ...
HKICPA seminar: Execution and Proof of Company Documents for Overseas Use under the New Companies Ordinance (Cap. 622) Programme Code: S150828S The new Companies Ordinance (Cap 622) came into effect i ...
1091_20150720 Venue Hong Kong Institute of CPAs, 27/F., Wu Chung House, 213 Queen’s Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong. Format Seminar Language English Fee HK190 for HKICPA member or student; and IA/HKIAAT ...
1064r1_20150716 Our ESG Series is designed for professionals who are interested in developing their knowledge about the issues relating to sustainability reporting, ESG performance, ESG reporting requ ...
HKICPA seminar: Regulatory Updates Relating to Listed Companies in Hong Kong Programme Code: S150810S This seminar will cover the latest regulatory updates relating to listed companies in Hong Kong in ...
HKICPA seminar: Self-Service Analytics with Excel and Cloud Technology Programme Code: S150818S To fully benefit from the power of data, organizations need to make it easy for all users to get access ...
HKICPA seminar: How a multinational company leveraged its ERP system to optimise operational efficiency Programme Code: S150806S This seminar draws on the experience of the speaker to provide insights ...
HKICPA seminar: Business and Family Succession Programme Code: S150721S In Hong Kong, many founders of family businesses have reached their age of retirement and their families have to face the diffic ...
HKICPA seminar: Hong Kong Digital Marketing and China O2O Trends Programme Code: S150730S This seminar will discuss social media marketing in Hong Kong and the Mainland. Topics include: Migration and ...
HKICPA seminar: Technologies Trends 2015 and Implications to Finance and Accounting Programme Code: S150729S Social, Mobility, Analytics, Cloud (SMAC) and increasingly the Internet of Things (IoT) hav ...
HKICPA seminar: Financial Statement Analysis for Listed Entities Programme Code: S150727S This seminar aims at sharing the experience and technique in identifying, analysing and writing cases based on ...
HKICPA seminar: Reputation Management at the Speed of Social Media: Best Practices for Hong Kong Companies Programme Code: S150708S The rise of social media is one of the most dramatic phenomena in th ...
HKICPA seminar: Auditing Impairment of Non-financial Assets – Key Judgmental Areas Programme Code: S150715S Impairment of non-financial assets is an area of high estimation uncertainty and has long be ...
HKICPA seminar: Tightening of Transfer Pricing Regulations on Cross-border Transactions Programme Code: TFP150707S China’s State Administration of Taxation (“SAT”) has continued to focus on strengthen ...
HKICPA seminar: The Insolvency Regime for Accountants Programme Code: S150713S This seminar will provide a practical perspective of the role of accountants in the insolvency regime, including how an a ...
HKICPA workshop: Activity Based Budgeting v Traditional Budgeting – Revolution or Compromise Programme Code: W150706S For many people in business the word budget is synonymous with control, cost cutti ...
HKICPA workshop: Managing the variances -choosing and using to provide direction (re-run) Programme Code: W150704S The principles, practices and application of management accounting is one of the key ...
HKICPA seminar: Tax Issues Arising from Business Transformation Programme Code: TFP150629S Amid the dynamic global economy, an increasing number of corporations undertake business transformation and r ...
HKICPA seminar: What are the Risks and Opportunities for Managing Suppliers in China? (re-run) Programme Code: S150622S The seminar will discuss the risks and opportunities for managing suppliers in C ...
Supporting organisation Host Supporting organisation Seminars on "What Matters – and for Which Firms – for Corporate Governance in Emerging Markets?" and "Does Reputational Risk Limit O ...
HKICPA seminar: Presentation of Cases before Inland Revenue Board of Review and Review of Recent Cases and Developments Programme Code: TFP150608S The Board of Review ("BOR") is an independe ...
HKICPA seminar: Challenges in PRC Tax Risk Management Programme Code: TFP150624S CChhiinnaa hhaass aallwwaayyss bbeeeenn ccaalllliinngg ffoorr mmoorree iinntteerrnnaattiioonnaall ccoollllaabboorraatti ...
HKICPA seminar: CCrreeddiitt MMaannaaggeemmeenntt:: RRiisskk MMiittiiggaattiioonn && FFiinnaanncciinngg OOppttiioonnss iinn CChhiinnaa TTrraaddee Programme Code: S150619S Once again China beco ...