Luxembourg: Your key to unlocking European opportunities Programme Code: S120508S Today, with the current situation in Europe giving rise to abundant opportunities, Chinese companies are increasingly ...
Using Technology to Enhance Competitiveness through Intellectual Capital Programme Code: S120507S Nowadays, as clients seek greater value and innovation from their professional business advisors, the ...
Purchase Price Allocation: Valuation Challenges Programme Code: S120425S This seminar is dedicated to finance and accounting professionals in the context of financial valuation and illustration of res ...
Shareholder Disputes Concerning Family Companies (re-run) Programme Code: S120418S The seminar will focus on shareholder disputes that happen in the context of family companies. Topics covered include ...
Section 61A and other anti-tax avoidance provisions in Hong Kong -recent developments Programme Code: S120423AS This seminar will provide a refresher on the scope of section 61A and other key anti-avo ...
Inbound Investment into the UK: A Budget Update Programme Code: S120523S Since June 2010, the UK coalition government has embarked on its journey to make the UK a more tax competitive environment for ...
Essential Management Accounting Programme Code: W120418S This workshop will lead delegates to a greater awareness of the benefits of how management accounting adds value to the numbers and activities ...
Transfer Pricing: Advance Pricing Arrangement program in Hong Kong Programme Code: S120322S In December 2009 the Hong Kong Inland Revenue Department (IRD) released Departmental Interpretation and Prac ...
Resolve Disputes by Using Alternative Dispute Resolution (re-run) Programme Code: S120423S Currently, the common way to resolve conflicts or disputes is often by litigation, which may be disproportion ...
Creating and Managing Effective Budgets (re-run) Programme Code: W120330S The budgeting process is one of the most time-consuming aspects of a business. It is also a process vital to the success of th ...
Solicitors' Accounts Rules Programme Code: S120306S The seminar seeks to introduce the Solicitors' Accounts Rules, some common errors that are encountered by firms and clarification of some un ...
Tax Traps in China Operations Programme Code: S120315S In this seminar, the speaker will talk about cases of tax traps in China operations and the principles underlying them. This may help you to avoi ...
Internal Control Systems for Listed Companies in China and Hong Kong Programme Code: S120210S In China, the China Insurance Regulatory Commission and other Chinese regulatory organizations have publis ...
AAuuddiittiinngg SSttrraatteeggiicc RRiisskkss:: TTuurrnniinngg RRiisskk iinnttoo OOppppoorrttuunniittyy Programme Code: S120208S Various studies performed over the past decade have determined that ap ...
Tax Considerations for Important Business Decisions Programme Code: S120223S In the seminar, the speakers will cover the following aspects from Hong Kong Profits Tax perspectives: Tax implications of ...
Overview of Recent Development of Mergers and Acquisitions in China Programme Code: S120307S The seminar intends to recap China’s Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) activities in the last 2 years an ...
Understanding Trade Finance for Accountants Part 2 (re-run) Programme Code: W120120S W120225S This workshop will focus on other types of trade finance product and how to structure trade finance facili ...
Intermediaries' Vicarious Liability for Copyright Infringement Programme Code: S120209S Recent cases have reignited debate on vicarious liability for intermediaries providing essential services su ...
Understanding Trade Finance for Accountants Part 1 (re-run) Programme Code: W120114AS W120211S This workshop will illustrate the fundamentals of international trade and introduce major trade finance p ...
Advanced Negotiation and Bargaining Skills for Finance Professionals Programme Code: W120314S Most people find that effective negotiations help their everyday lives both at work and personally. Howeve ...
Regulatory driven evolution of risk management practices in the Banking industry-past, present and future (re-run) Programme Code: S120216S In the last two decades the Basel Committee on Banking Super ...
The Competitiveness of Accounting Firms Programme Code: S120206S It is important for accounting and professional service firms to have a firm grasp on the key factors that drive competitiveness and pr ...
AAuuddiittiinngg SSttrraatteeggiicc RRiisskkss:: TTuurrnniinngg RRiisskk iinnttoo OOppppoorrttuunniittyy Programme Code: S120118S Various studies performed over the past decade have determined that ap ...
TThhee NNeeww AArrbbiittrraattiioonn OOrrddiinnaannccee,, CCaapp.. 660099 Programme Code: S120221S On 1 June 2011, the new Arbitration Ordinance came into force. The new ordinance unifies the domestic ...
Technology to Empower Effective Governance Programme Code: S120112S Nowadays, Board members face increasing scrutiny not only by regulators but also stakeholders for better and more effective corporat ...
Guardian Role of Professionals in Upholding Ethical Governance Programme Code: S120117S Accounting professionals who are acting as professional advisors to company directors play a critical role in up ...
Investing in Europe and Belgium: Planning Techniques for Tax Optimization Programme Code: S120116S Belgium is located in the heart of Europe hosting numerous international organizations such as the Eu ...
Questioned Document Examination (QDE) Programme Code: S120109S The forensic examination of questioned documents encompasses more than the comparison of signatures and handwriting although these are th ...