Microsoft Word - Application Form _HK_ - 2019#0;
Microsoft Word - Application Form _HK_ - 2019 HKICPA’s Specialist Programmes in Taxation Professional Diploma in China Tax / Professional Diploma in Hong Kong Tax The two professiona ...
Consultation Paper on the Draft Insurance (Financial and Other Requirements for Licensed Insurance Broker Companies) Rules 2 FOREWORD 1 This paper is published by the Insurance Authority (“IA”) to con ...
友邦保險有限公司AIA Company Limited 香港中環35/F, AIA Central 干諾道中一號1 Connaught Road Central 友邦金融中心三十五樓Hong Kong T: (852) 2832 6166 F: (852) 2838 2005 AIA Company Limited is incorporated in Hong Kong with ...
The Dance Interest Group (DIG) has organised a dance fun night for members to appreciate the fun of dancing. The highlights of the evening include: Latin and Ballroom dancing competitions for members ...
Professional representation
A single voice can sometimes be hard to hear, but all our voices together can move mountains. The Institute represents all of our members' views towards laws, government budgets and legislation an ...
4th Floor, Tower Two, Lippo Centre, Tel 電話: (852) 2287 7228 Web 網址: 1 89 Queensway, Hong Kong Fax 傳真: (852) 2865 6776 E-mail 電郵: 香港金鐘道89 號力寶中心二座四樓(852) 2865 6603 ...
4th Floor, Tower Two, Lippo Centre, Tel 電話:(852) 2287 7228 Web 網址: 89 Queensway, Hong Kong Fax 傳真: (852) 2865 6776 E-mail 電郵: 香港金鐘道89 號力寶中心二座四樓(852) 2865 6603 22 ...
4th Floor, Tower Two, Lippo Centre, Tel 電話:(852) 2287 7228 Web 網址: 89 Queensway, Hong Kong Fax 傳真: (852) 2865 6776 E-mail 電郵: 香港金鐘道89 號力寶中心二座四樓(852) 2865 6603 22 ...
4th Floor, Tower Two, Lippo Centre, Tel 電話:(852) 2287 7228 Web 網址: 89 Queensway, Hong Kong Fax 傳真: (852) 2865 6776 E-mail 電郵: 香港金鐘道89 號力寶中心二座四樓(852) 2865 6603 22 ...
HKICPA_Submission_ED_ISA_600_Sept 05
4th Floor, Tower Two, Lippo Centre, Tel 電話:(852) 2287 7228 Web 網址: 89 Queensway, Hong Kong Fax 傳真: (852) 2865 6776 E-mail 電郵: 香港金鐘道89 號力寶中心二座四樓(852) 2865 6603 22 ...
HKICPA_Submission_ED_ISA_260_Sept 05
4th Floor, Tower Two, Lippo Centre, Tel 電話:(852) 2287 7228 Web 網址: 89 Queensway, Hong Kong Fax 傳真: (852) 2865 6776 E-mail 電郵: 香港金鐘道89 號力寶中心二座四樓(852) 2865 6603 22 ...
17 March 2005 To: Members of the Hong Kong Institute of CPAs All other interested parties Draft Interpretation 25 Leases – Determination of the Length of Lease Term in respect of Hong Kong Land Leases ...
Our Ref.: C/CGC&PAIBC, M32103 20 December 2004 The Hon. Bernard Chan, Chairman of the Panel on Financial Affairs, Legislative Council Secretariat, 3rd floor, Citibank Tower, 3 Garden Road, Central ...
2023-2d FCP EnrolForm
2023-2d FCP EnrolForm.docx 1 Notes: 1. Workshops are held face-to face. Each workshop is 6 hours, runs from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (with one hour lunch break). 2. Case study workshop is held face-to- ...
TechWatch updates you on technical developments in financial reporting, auditing, regulation and business. The Institute welcomes your comment, emailed to . Click here for past issues. Contents Spotli ...
TechWatch updates you on technical developments in financial reporting, auditing, regulation and business. The Institute welcomes your comment, emailed to . Click here for past issues. Contents Spotli ...
Venue Hong Kong Institute of CPAs, 27/F., Wu Chung House, 213 Queen’s Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong. KPMG Training Centre, 28/F., Oxford House, Tai Koo Place, 979 King’s Road, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong. F ...