Think Like a CEO: Going Global, Local or Lobal? 21 Jan 2009 (Wed) (Programme Code: ) Speaker : Dr. Sidney Sze, ACMA Dr. Sze is the Chief Executive Officer of Midland Financial Group. He holds a Master ...
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Shangri-La 2023 Sep Flyer
香格里拉中秋月餅及禮物籃Summer Palace Red Bean Paste with Rare 80-year DriedTangerine Peel Collector's Gift Box (8 pieces)夏宮珍品八十年陳皮豆沙月餅收藏禮盒(八件裝)Original Price 原價: HKD1,328 /Discount Price 優惠價: HKD1,062.4ISLAN ...
1 HKICPA Accounting & Business Management Case Competition 2013-2014 Secondary School Group – Level 1 Awardees List – Certificate of Participation School Name (English) School Name (Chinese) Team ...
WeCare leaflet_Institute_140618
WeCare leaflet_Institute_140618 Lead Organizer: Organizers: Co-organizers: Supporting Organization: Baptist Oi Kwan Social Service Stress is common in city life and increasingly affecting our lives. T ...
WeCare leaflet_Institute_140618
WeCare leaflet_Institute_140618 Lead Organizer: Organizers: Co-organizers: Supporting Organization: Baptist Oi Kwan Social Service Stress is common in city life and increasingly affecting our lives. T ...
WeCare leaflet_Institute_140618
WeCare leaflet_Institute_140618 Lead Organizer: Organizers: Co-organizers: Supporting Organization: Baptist Oi Kwan Social Service Stress is common in city life and increasingly affecting our lives. T ...
WeCare leaflet_Institute_140618
WeCare leaflet_Institute_140618 Lead Organizer: Organizers: Co-organizers: Supporting Organization: Baptist Oi Kwan Social Service Stress is common in city life and increasingly affecting our lives. T ...
Position Paper
4 January 2017 The Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (the "Institute") has completed the CPA qualifying process reform to ensure professional accountants are trained with t ...
7 July 2016 Dear members, Chief Executive's Update – Greater opportunities for members to become partners in Mainland CPA firms Hong Kong CPAs can now become partners in a Mainland CPA firm, as lo ...
Dear MBIG Member, In this issue of the MBIG Circular, we have: MBIG Seminar on "Pearl River Delta Two-hour Living Area – Impact on Hong Kong's Economic Development" [NEW] Cross-straits ...
Dear MBIG Member, In this issue of the MBIG Circular, we have: MBIG Seminar on "Pearl River Delta Two-hour Living Area – Impact on Hong Kong's Economic Development" [NEW] Cross-straits ...
Bilingual Readers
The May Moon books Starting in 2006, the Institute began to publish a series of books for children. The first set, called The May Moon Money-Wise Box Set (or the Chinese version《美滿的財智》親子理財書册), include ...
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Mobile Medical2AImrna31122022
原價3,380乳房超聲波骨質密度超聲波柏氏子宮頸細胞液基薄片檢查子宮/卵巢/膀胱超聲波原價2,200原價18,000預約及查詢美邦醫學體檢中心有限公司MOBILE MEDICAL & HEALTH CHECK CENTRE LTD美邦醫學體檢中心保留隨時更改使用條款及細則之權利,而不會作另行通知。如有任何爭議, 美邦醫學體檢中心保留最終決定權。請先透過查詢電話預約體檢服務, 方可享用優惠價 ...
Page 1 of 4 Our Ref.: C/FRSC Sent electronically through the IASB Website (www.ifrs.org) 30 July 2021 Dr Andreas Barckow International Accounting Standards Board Columbus Building 7 Westferry Circus C ...
Appreciation for the beauty of classical music will bring interesting effects to one's brain which is conducive to maintaining physical wellness. To name a few, it can help you to relieve stress l ...
Property, Infrastructure and Construction Interest Group (PICIG) Seminar Fung Shui & You Want to find out how Fung Shui can affect your daily life and your business? Why Hong Kong has been known a ...
Gold Hill tading Limited_2021--HKICPA
產品(以禮劵發售)原價(HK)優惠價(HK)數量(券)總額(HK)原價(HK)優惠價(HK)數量(券)總額(HK)送遞資料送遞地址:雙黃白蓮蓉月餅(標準四個裝)308195茶樹菇栗子燉老雞速遞掛號迷你金莎奶黃月餅(八個裝)218168栗子玉米燉豬送遞日期:迷你金箔全黃白蓮蓉月餅(八個裝)198158金瓜燉魚湯公司名稱:迷你金箔全黃紅荳蓉月餅(八個裝)198158薏米青紅蘿蔔燉西施骨迷你低糖白蓮蓉月 ...
UIC Application Form_160726_1
「UIC 精英计划」申请表个人信息姓名: (中文) 性别: 姓名: (英文) 出生年月: 电话: 个人邮箱地址: (非学校电邮地址,方便毕业后联系) 家庭地址: 学习情况现就读年级和专业: 成绩排名( GPA GPA): 是否获得任何奖项: Please state the reasons why Institute should select you as one of Please state ...
「UIC 精英计划」申请表个人信息姓名: (中文) 性别: 姓名: (英文) 出生年月: 电话: 个人邮箱地址: (非学校电邮地址,方便毕业后联系) 家庭地址: 学习情况现就读年级和专业: 成绩排名( GPA GPA): 是否获得任何奖项: Please state the reasons why Institute should select you as one of Please state ...
UIC Application Form_160726
「UIC 精英计划」申请表个人信息姓名: (中文) 性别: 姓名: (英文) 出生年月: 电话: 个人邮箱地址: (非学校电邮地址,方便毕业后联系) 家庭地址: 学习情况现就读年级和专业: 成绩排名( GPA GPA): 是否获得任何奖项: Please state the reasons why Institute should select you as one of Please state ...
1 Proceedings No.: D-11-0602H IN THE MATTER OF Complaints made under Section 34(1)(a) of the Professional Accountants Ordinance (Cap.50) (“the PAO”) and referred to the Disciplinary Committee under Se ...
UIC精英计划申请表-updated on 20160726
「UIC 精英计划」申请表个人信息姓名: (中文) 性别: 姓名: (英文) 出生年月: 电话: 个人邮箱地址: (非学校电邮地址,方便毕业后联系) 家庭地址: 学习情况现就读年级和专业: 成绩排名( GPA GPA): 是否获得任何奖项: Please state the reasons why Institute should select you as one of Please state ...
2016 鴻星食品訂購表(HKICPA Member only)HKICPA Member No. :________________(必須填寫)原價(HK)優惠價(HK)數量(券)數量(現貨)總額(HK)訂購方法:11881088199818889288681688157868863829825822819812810363856026823888828887889686628598528508 ...
HKICPA 會員春日獨家優惠原價: 2,998 優惠價: 1,888 (免費送貨) 原價: 2,998 優惠價: 1,988 (免費送貨) 訂購數量訂購數量數量PHILCO 20 全新型號: PD20YW 20 公升多功能納米銀離子抽濕機1) 電子濕度控制器,設定室內相對濕度由40% -80% 2) 納米銀離子除菌、除臭及防塵過濾網3) LED顯示控制屏4) 多角度自動搖擺送風系統5) 抽濕選擇 ...
14.03 DehumidifierPromotion_HKICPA
HKICPA 會員春日獨家優惠原價: 2,998 優惠價: 1,888 (免費送貨) 原價: 2,998 優惠價: 1,988 (免費送貨) 訂購數量訂購數量數量PHILCO 2014 全新型號: PD20YW 20 公升多功能納米銀離子抽濕機1) 電子濕度控制器,設定室內相對濕度由40% -80% 2) 納米銀離子除菌、除臭及防塵過濾網3) LED顯示控制屏4) 多角度自動搖擺送風系統5) 抽濕 ...
1 Winnie Chan 寄件者: Steve Ong [SteveOng@HKEX.COM.HK] 寄件日期: 15日January2013年Tuesday 18:28 收件者: Simon Riley; Winnie Chan 副本: ComMem-DICKENS Mark; David Graham; Grace Hui; Committee-FRSC 主旨: HKICPA Invitat ...