The Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants welcomes 2020-21 Budget relief measures to mitigate negative impact of new challenges
經濟環境嚴峻 香港會計師公會認為財政預算案有助紓困 (香港,二零二零年二月二十六日)香港會計師公會歡迎政府的二零二零至二一年度財政預算案,反映特區政府在新型冠狀病毒疫情及經濟下滑的情況下助市民應對難關。 新公佈的財政預算案提出了不少紓困措施,針對市民面對疫情、社會事件、環球經濟放緩及中美貿易爭議持續等連串不明朗因素時的需要。香港會計師公會會長江智蛟先生表示:「財政司司長預計來年會錄得1,391億港 ...
HKICPA Approves New Accounting Standard for Insurance Contracts
HKFRS 17 strengthens investor protection to enhance market efficiency (Hong Kong, 23 February 2018) The Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA) has approved HKFRS 17 Insurance Con ...
Singing Technique Classes The Singing Interest Group has organized a 12-session singing technique class for beginners. There will be a mini concert on the last session for students to gain stage exper ...
「CPAs for NGOs會計專業惠社群」社會責任計劃撰寫年報的常見問題及應用技巧Presented by : Annie Wong Finance Manager, Baptist Oi Kwan Social Service Date: 25 May 2017 Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants Ltd, 2005. Al ...
Singing Technique Classes The Singing Interest Group has organized a 12-session singing technique class for beginners. There will be a mini concert on the last session for students to gain stage exper ...
Singing Technique Classes The Singing Interest Group has organized two 12-session singing technique classes for beginners. Each class will wrap up with a mini concert for students to gain performance ...
Singing Technique Classes The Singing Interest Group has organized two 12-session singing technique classes for beginners. Each class will wrap up with a mini concert for students to gain performance ...
Singing Technique Classes The Singing Interest Group has organized two 12-session singing technique classes for beginners. Each class will wrap up with a mini concert for students to gain performance ...
Singing Technique Classes The Singing Interest Group has organized two 12-session singing technique classes for beginners. Each class will wrap up with a mini concert for students to gain performance ...
1 致:編採主任及記者: 專訪新任財政部副部長A Plus 十月號專訪余蔚平,談及內地會計改革的重要性;探討法證會計師深入發掘大數據;了解財務總監如何應對人民幣貶值等等(香港,二零一五年十月二十日) — 中國新任財政部副部長余蔚平在專訪中,闡述國家計劃建立國際水平的會計準則、展開跨境監管的合作,以及香港會計師可以怎樣參與國家新常態經濟。現在企業收集數量驚人的資訊,而法證會計師越來越需要深入發掘,以 ...
Singing Technique Class The Singing Interest Group has organized two 12-session singing technique classes for beginners. Each class will wrap up with a mini concert for students to gain performance ex ...
Singing Technique Class The Singing Interest Group has organized two 12-session singing technique classes for beginners. Each class will wrap up with a mini concert for students to gain performance ex ...
Singing Technique Class The Singing Interest Group has organized two 12-session singing technique classes for beginners. Each class will wrap up with a mini concert for students to gain performance ex ...
July 2016
*保健食品並不能代替日常食品及健康的生活習慣, 如症狀持續, 請立即求醫治理。查詢電話: 2487 3074 (100粒) 原價398 250 會員價原價428 270 (300粒)/(100粒) 新西蘭Manuka Honey 麥蘆卡蜂蜜* Unique Manuka Factor (UMF) 新西蘭Mussel Extract 青口素(100粒) 促進關節軟組織再生減輕關節因磨損所致的 ...