Lucullus Shop List - update by Dec 2012
Lucullus Gourmet Shop (龍島美食店)Address TelephoneFaxBusiness HoursMTR-Central 中環港鐵站Shop 14 MTR-Central Station, Central, Hong Kong (near Exit E/F).2530 95572530 326109:00 -21:00(Mon -Fri)香港中環港鐵站14號舖(近E/F ...
Iccho Japanese Restaurant 魚一丁刺身居酒屋Causeway Bay Shop 銅鑼灣店2/F., 8 Russell Street, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong 香港銅鑼灣羅素街8 號2 樓Reservation Tel: (852) 2834 4438 Fax: (852)2834 8200 Telford Plaza Shop 德福廣場店Shop ...
Iccho Japanese Restaurant 魚一丁刺身居酒屋Causeway Bay Shop 銅鑼灣店2/F., 8 Russell Street, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong 香港銅鑼灣羅素街8 號2 樓Reservation Tel: (852) 2834 4438 Fax: (852)2834 8200 Telford Plaza Shop 德福廣場店Shop ...
Lucullus Gourmet Shop, a renowned luxury brand of chocolate, hampers and cakes in Hong Kong for over three decades, is now offering special discount programs as follows: Offer Round-the-year discount ...
Gourmet Shop, a renowned luxury brand of chocolate, hampers and cakes in Hong Kong for over three decades, is now offering special discount programs as follows: OOffffeerr Round-the-year discount 10% ...
Simmons Bedding & Furniture (HK) Limited
Simmons Bedding & Furniture (HK) Limited Offer Additional HK500 discounts on Simmons BackCare 4 Mattress 20% off designated Beautyrest pillows Eligibility HKICPA members, International Affiliates ...
優惠條款•開單前需出示會員証方可享用優惠•店員需核對會員証•需於結賬後全數付款•此優惠不可與其他優惠同時適用•不適用於快期服務•此優惠有效期由2017年1月1日至2017年12月31日•如有任何爭議,雅潔洗衣保留提供此優惠的最終決定權Terms & Conditions •Present member card before bill settlement •Member card ver ...
DTG NEO Scientific LTD
Expiry date: 30 September 2025 Offer 25% off on Licensee Products – FC Barcelona Keyboard, Mouse, Mouse Matt, phone case, wireless 3in1 charger, wireless battery, magnetic card holder, Apple Watch wat ...
Shangri-La 2023 CNY Puddings and Hampers_HKICPA
Special Offer for Special Offer for Special Offer for Special Offer for Special Offer for Special Offer for Special Offer for Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants Hong Kong Institute of ...
DO0804 Enquiry hotline: 8101 0199 Member Particulars – this section must be completed Member name: Member Student International Membership type: Affiliate GAA Member no.: Contact tel. no.: Email a ...
Lucullus_order form
HKICPA Members Order Form 龍島聖誕禮品2010 Lucullus Christmas Gifts 2010 訂購熱線Ordering Hotline : 2798 1205 /2922 7055 傳真Fax: 2759 8852 網頁website: 訂購日期Order Date: _________________________ ...
Lucullus Gourmet Shop, a renowned luxury brand of chocolate, hampers and cakes in Hong Kong for over three decades, is now offering special discount programs as follows: OOffffeerrss 1) Round-the-year ...
Speed Eater Limited To become leader in the eater industry HKICPA Qualification Program (QP) Case Analysis Competition 2015QP Case Analysis Competition 2015 Table of Contents Part I. Executive Summary ...
Speed Eater Limited To become leader in the eater industry HKICPA Qualification Program (QP) Case Analysis Competition 2015QP Case Analysis Competition 2015 Table of Contents Part I. Executive Summary ...
Dynasty Fine Wines Group Limited is pleased to offer special discount to our members with details as follows: EElliiggiibbllee UUsseerrss HKICPA members, International Affiliates, GAA members and regi ...
Unicon Pro Shop is pleased to offer special discount and complimentary service to our members with details as follows: OOffffeerr 20% discount from the listed prices for all services (except Automobi ...
SKYphoto is pleased to offer special discount and complimentary service to our members with details as follows: OOffffeerr 15% discount on purchase of metal certificate Monthly photo printing servic ...
SKYphoto is pleased to offer special discount and complimentary service to our members with details as follows: OOffffeerr 15% discount on purchase of metal certificate The offer is valid until 31 D ...
Lucullus Gourmet Shop, a renowned luxury brand of chocolate, hampers and cakes in Hong Kong for over three decades, is now offering special discount programs as follows: OOffffeerr Round-the-year disc ...
BAFS-2B Pre-exam Techniques 3-12-2022
and Financial Studies Pre -examination Technique examination Technique examination Technique examination Technique examination Technique examination Technique Seminar on Paper 2B Seminar on Paper 2B S ...
Le Baron International Ltd is pleased to offer special discount to our members with details as follows: EElliiggiibbllee UUsseerrss HKICPA members, International Affiliates, GAA members and registered ...
One Stop Food Supply Company is pleased to offer special discount and complimentary service to our members with details as follows: EElliiggiibbllee UUsseerrss HKICPA members, International Affiliates ...
Web_Shun Tak_20170101
Shun Tak Travel Services Limited is pleased to offer special discount to our members with details as follows: EElliiggiibbllee UUsseerrss HKICPA members, International Affiliates, GAA members and regi ...
Web_Shun Tak_20160414
Shun Tak Travel Services Limited is pleased to offer special discount to our members with details as follows: EElliiggiibbllee UUsseerrss HKICPA members, International Affiliates, GAA members and regi ...
Hong Kong Healthcare Medical Centre is offering special rate on dental and health service to our members. EElliiggiibbllee UUsseerrss HKICPA members, International Affiliates, GAA members and register ...
JHC ppt
Delegates from University of Berlin School of Economics and Law Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) 13 Mar 2014 HKICPA/HKIAAT Business case Competition Lisa Ngai – Vice Chairman & Executive Direct ...