D6 I2C
香港會計師公會香港金鐘道八十九號力寶中心二座四樓HONG KONG SOCIETY OF ACCOUNTANTS (Incorporated by the Professional Accountants Ordinance, Cap. 50) 4th Floor, Tower Two, Lippo Centre, 89 Queensway, Hong Kong. Tel: 2287 7228 F ...
IFRIC_D7&D8 BY E-MAIL AND BY POST Our Ref.: C/UII 15 September 2004 The International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee, International Accounting Standards Board, 30 Cannon Street, Lon ...
Qigong is a practice of aligning breath, movement, and awareness for exercise, healing, and meditation. A typical Qigong practice involves rhythmic breathing coordinated with slow stylized repetition ...
1 A Plus media alert Dear editors and reporters: Harvey Nichols goes global, but excludes China for now The May issue of A Plus, out now, talks to its CEO and Hong Kong CPA about the British luxury ho ...
Agenda Background FATF recommendations to accountants Professional bodies’ guidance for accountants regarding ML Hong Kong ordinances Customer due diligence (CDD) and recordkeeping for accounting prof ...
PTI Flyer v2
Hands-on techskills acquisition -Our virtual Laballows practiceanytimeVirtual Lab***Practical BusinessProjects facilitatepractical skillsacquisitionPractical BusinessProject***Especially importantfor ...
Page 1 of 3 Property, Infrastructure and Construction Interest Group Cocktail Reception Feng shui planning and architecture design With a desire to improve the relationship between humanity and the en ...
Page 1 of 3 Property, Infrastructure and Construction Interest Group Cocktail Reception Feng shui planning and architecture design With a desire to improve the relationship between humanity and the en ...
Dear MBIG Member, In this issue of the MBIG Circular, we have: 2012 China National Economics Course (3 – 6 August 2012 in Shanghai)[New] MBIG seminar on Issues of and development in cross-border enf ...
麥家樂與香港18 交響樂團首演音樂會柴可夫斯基之夜斯拉夫進行曲作品31 Marche Slave, op.31 第一鋼琴協奏曲作品23 Piano Concerto No.1 in B-flat 伍盛中鋼琴Dr.Wu Sheng Zhong Piano 洛可哥風主題變奏曲作品33 Variation on a Rococo Theme, op.33 康雅談大提琴Artem Konstantinov ...
The two professional diplomas in taxation, namely, Professional Diploma in China Tax and Professional Diploma in Hong Kong Tax, are developed from the Advanced Diploma in Specialist Taxation programme ...
SgIG - ticket order
To: Members, Singing Interest Group (SgIG) From: Shirley Ko, Co-convenor of SgIG (opera/choir stream) Dear all, An Opera in Three Acts -Dr. Sun Yat-sen (HK premiere) The Singing Interest Group is orga ...
Basic Rowing Course (Star 1 & 2) The Dragon Boat Interest Group cordially invites you to join the following event: Basic Rowing Course (Star 1 & 2) Sculling 雙槳划艇Datte & Tiime Venue Max.. e ...
Workshops on PRC Taxation (April – May 2009) 中國稅務工作坊(MCS-1 Event Code : PRCT090418) Enrolment Deadline: 6 April 2009 Operations & Finance Department Hong Kong Institute of CPAs 37th Floor, Wu Chun ...
1 Appointment of Authorised Employers/Supervisors The Institute is pleased to appoint 15 member practices and organisations and 27 individuals as our Authorised Employers (“AEs”) and Authorised Superv ...
To: Assignment/Business Section Editor, (FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE) Hong Kong Institute of CPAs Announces Latest Development on Financial Reporting for Small and Medium-sized Entities (HONG KONG, 2 March ...
To: Assignment/Business Section Editor (FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE) Hong Kong Institute of CPAs Issues Draft Interpretation on How Revenue is Recognised by Property Developers (HONG KONG, 31 January 2005) ...
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