Your fortnightly guide to CPD courses (10 May 2024)
The Accounting and Financial Reporting Council (AFRC), in collaboration with Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEX), is conducting a crucial survey on assessing entities' preparedness for sustainability assurance and climate reporting, gather insights on climate-risk integrated audits, and understand the role of accountants in ESG reporting. The Institute would like to encourage relevant practitioners to participate in it by Thursday, 23 May.
Take the survey here.
Session 4, 5 and 6 of the series in May will cover valuation in relation to mergers and acquisitions transactions, the latest updates on listing rules and the latest development of BEPS 2.0 Pillar 2. More sessions are scheduled for June.

Insolvency Preparatory II (PII), a sequel to the Institute's popular Insolvency Preparatory I, will be conducted via webinars over five Saturdays mornings, starting on 18 May. PII offers an in-depth and integrated study of the financial, management, legal and accounting aspects of insolvency administration with emphasis on practical application. Secure your spot and sign up by 13 May to continue your journey to becoming an insolvency specialist.

The course provides practical and extensive knowledge of the key areas in contemporary taxation practice in Hong Kong. It is a compulsory component for pursuing the Institute's Professional Diploma in Hong Kong Tax. Alternatively, you may also enrol in the individual workshops within the course as standalone series to stay up-to-date with practical taxation knowledge. The first session will start on 18 May.

This year, we have a strong lineup of speakers who will discuss the latest tax incentives and developments in the Greater Bay Area (GBA). They will provide updates on corporate income tax and value-added tax, transfer pricing and advance ruling arrangements. There will also be a panel discussion on the integration of the GBA and the impact of international tax developments.

In this face-to-face workshop, the speakers will introduce sustainability-related risk and opportunities, and their implications for businesses, sustainability governance and risk assessment processes, development of mitigation plans and internal controls for sustainability-related risks, as well as the disclosure of sustainability governance and risk management.

What are data assets and how to value them
CPD hour: 1.5 | 5 June

Entities listing on HKEX series – Session 7: The focus on corporate governance issues after listing
CPD hour: 2 | 6 June

Entities listing on HKEX series – Session 8: Enhanced climate-related disclosure requirements by HKEX
CPD hour: 2 | 18 June

Entities listing on HKEX series – Session 9: Key considerations for Hong Kong spin-off listing
CPD hour: 2 | 20 June

Entities listing on HKEX series – Session 10: Brief discussion on continuing obligations for an entity listing on HKEX
CPD hour: 2 | 26 June

GPSSG e-Seminar: Transforming higher education certificate verification – A closer look at the ACVP blockchain project
CPD hour: 1

Workplace misconduct and internal investigation
CPD hour: 2

Accounting in the age of generative AI: Overview and applications
CPD hour: 2

2023 SMP Symposium
CPD hour: 3.75 each

Free plus paid series: Technical training
CPD hour: Various

Delegation to Guangzhou
CPD hour: 3 | 27 May

ESG workshop on TCFD scenario analysis for climate risks and opportunities
CPD hour: 4 | 29 May

Anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing series - Latest updates and practical guidance on implementing AML/ CFT requirements (re-run)
CPD hour: 4 | 4 & 26 June

Governance of charities
CPD hour: 2 | 11 June

Workshops on Hong Kong risk-based capital – Long-term and general insurance business (Part 1 - 4)
CPD hours: 7 each | 12, 13, 17 and 27 June

Charitable organizations – Latest focus of IRD’s reviews and how to mitigate any tax exposures?
Role of company director I: Overview of legal and regulatory framework
CPD hour: 2 | 28 May

Finance for directors
CPD hour: 2 | 26 June

Role of company director II: Board practices
CPD hour: 2 | 10 July

HKACFE Hybrid Seminar on AML/Fraud RegTech Implementation: Challenges and case studies
14 May.The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners Hong Kong Chapter will hold a hybrid seminar that covers the challenges on RegTech adoption and how leveraging RegTech solutions helps resolve common risk management issues. Institute members can enjoy a member rate for enrollment.
HKiNEDA Annual Conference 2024
20 May. Register now for the Hong Kong Independent Non-Executive Director Association (HKiNEDA) Annual Conference 2024: Hong Kong Corporate Governance and Capital Market Reform, with a discounted rate for online tickets as a member of the Institute, a supporting organization.
Ingenique Solutions – Navigating AML/CTF Compliance: Practical Implementation Guide and Real-Life Case Sharing
28 May. Ingenique Solutions will organize the captioned live webinar providing latest AML/CTF updates to participants. Institute members can enjoy complimentary participation in this webinar.
25th Annual Corporate and Regulatory Update (ACRU)
7 June. ACRU 2024, the Hong Kong Chartered Governance Institute’s annual event, offers a unique platform for governance professionals, directors, senior management, and other stakeholders to gain insights from regulators directly. Institute members can enjoy the supporting organizations' rate when booking tickets.
Certifications in Corporate Goverance & Directorship for INEDs
June - July.This training series hosted by HKiNEDA comprises six courses of 2.5 hours each. The series covers essentials for INEDs to build expertise on corporate governance and directorship.
IVE Business Accountancy Forum 2024
11 June. IVE Business will be holding the Accountancy Forum 2024. Speakers are invited to share their insights on Contemporary Issues in Accounting. The forum will be conducted in the format of webinar and enrolment deadline is 31 May 2024. Please click here for enrolment.
Live webinars
Check out the full list of upcoming live webcasts covering various topics.
Tailor-made online courses on corporate and strategic finance, corporate governance and risk management and internal control. Click here for details and to enrol.
Archived webcast of popular technical face-to-face events and webinars. Click here for details.
More than 60 e-Manager courses covering a wide range of business planning and strategy and other topics to provide flexible and tablet-friendly learning online.
Partner events
Free courses
Click here for a full list of free courses that are available to members.
Members' feedback
Click here to share your views on the Institute's professional development training with us.
Disclaimer: Some sections contain information from outside sources. We endeavour to link to reputable sources but the Institute is not responsible for the accuracy of the content and the content does not necessarily represent the views of the Institute.
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