Standard setting |
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E-learning: Accounting considerations for a Special Purpose Acquisition Company (SPAC) |
This archived webinar highlights the key financial reporting considerations observed or expected in typical SPAC structures in the two distinct phases of a SPAC’s lifecycle, and covers any related and latest developments from the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Interpretations Committee. |
Q4 2022 IFRS Interpretations Committee podcast |
In this podcast, the IFRS Interpretations Committee Chair and member of the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) Bruce Mackenzie joins IASB Technical Staff to discuss activities to support consistent application of IFRS Accounting Standards in the fourth quarter of 2022. Topics discussed include a question to the Committee relating to IFRS 16 Leases about whether a contract that includes a particular substitution right is considered a lease. |
Webcast on financial instrument proposals in the IFRS for SMEs Accounting Standard consultation |
This webcast gives a deeper dive into the proposals on financial instruments as part of its Exposure Draft (ED) Third Edition of the IFRS for SMEs Accounting Standard. It covers the background on the IASB’s alignment approach applied during the second comprehensive review of the IFRS for SMEs Accounting Standard, how this approach was applied to develop the proposals for financial instruments, and a summary of the proposals for financial instruments. |
Webinar on hedge accounting requirements of IFRS 9 |
The IASB is holding a live webinar on 8 February for academics to explain what academic research it is interested in receiving to inform its forthcoming post-implementation review of the hedge accounting requirements in IFRS 9 Financial Instruments and related disclosure requirements in IFRS 7 Financial Instruments: Disclosures. |
Invitation to comment |
The Institute is seeking comments on the following issued by the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board’s (IAASB):
- Proposed Strategy and Work Plan for 2024–2027 by 11 March
- Exposure Draft on Proposed International Standard on Auditing (ISA) 500 (Revised), Audit Evidence and proposed conforming and consequential amendments to other ISAs by 24 March
- Exposure Draft on Proposed Part 10, Audits of Group Financial Statements of the Proposed ISA for Audits of Financial Statements of Less Entities and proposed conforming amendments by 2 April
IAASB digital technology market scan: robotic process automation |
This article by the IAASB explores robotic process automation (RPA), a technology used for executing repetitive tasks that has applications across the audit process, from data transformation to workpaper creation, as well as potential for forming part of an audited entity’s IT environment. Audited entities may use RPA to support certain business processes or repetitive task activities, such as updating records, processing transactions or completing reconciliations. |
ICAEW audit and assurance resources |
The ICAEW has the following resources that may be of interest to members:
- An article discussing how auditors can define material fraud and treat it within standards and regulation
- An article on key factors behind the emergence of fraud risks, and experience shared by two audit committee chairs on how organizations should ensure controls are fit for purpose
- Resources and support tools on auditing accounting estimates under ISA 540 (Revised), such as webcasts and articles with practical illustrations
- Resource hub on going concern evaluation
- Summary of links to technical help, webinars, publications and events to all stages of an audit
Institute members can subscribe to ICAEW’s International Standards platform for free to access a wide range of resources on auditing and ethics. |
IAASB eNews |
The IAASB’s latest eNews is now available, highlighting various activities going on in and around the IAASB. |
HKICPA resource centre |
Access resources and publications at the Institute’s revamped Resource Centre to the Code which will keep you updated on the latest ethics pronouncements. |
IESBA plans global roundtables on sustainability project |
Join the series of roundtables on sustainability projects held by the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants (IESBA) to obtain stakeholders’ input to help shape the development of new ethics and independence standards for sustainability reporting and assurance. |
ISSB January 2023 podcast & update |
The International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) podcast, with its chair and vice-chair highlighting the recent discussions and decisions made at its January meeting, and a summary of the meeting, are now available. |
ISSB Corporate Reporting Webinar Series |
Register for the Corporate Reporting Webinar Series which offers a deep dive into the ISSB two proposed standards, one on general requirements for sustainability-related disclosures and one on climate-related disclosures. The series consists of three parts:
- Part 1: Better information for better decisions — Introduction to investor-focused sustainability disclosure
- Part 2: Any size or stage — Getting started on climate disclosure
- Part 3: Connectivity and controls — The path to investor-grade disclosure
Experts will discuss current good practice and how companies can prepare for the ISSB’s global baseline of disclosure requirements, including with the help of the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) Standards, the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) recommendations and Climate Disclosure Standards Board (CDSB) guidance. The webinar series will also discuss how the Integrated Reporting Framework can connect sustainability and business performance, and how effective processes and controls can enable investor-grade disclosure that is consistent and reliable. |