In light of the ISSB announcement of its two crucial inaugural sustainability standards, IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards (IFRS SD Standards): IFRS S1 General Requirements for Disclosure of Sustainability-related Financial Information and IFRS S2 Climate-related Disclosures, I would like to share with you the Institute’s continued commitment and plan to drive the development of the profession and contribute to the public good, by playing a leading role in Hong Kong’s sustainability journey. The Institute welcomes this momentous occasion for sustainability reporting and finance. We have been engaged with the development of the ISSB standards and have expressed strong support from the start of the initiative in 2020. As outlined in the Alert issued earlier this week, the Institute intends to adopt the standards as the local sustainability reporting framework on a fully converged basis and has established the roadmap towards achieving this goal. In line with our initiatives stated in the Strategic Plan 2023, the Institute is pressing on with our role as Hong Kong’s standard setter for sustainability and climate-related disclosures, and continues to enhance the following efforts within this area: |