Your fortnightly guide to CPD courses (18 August 2023) |
Keeping CPD record and documentary evidence |
Members are required to keep their continuing professional development (CPD) records and documentary evidence of their verifiable CPD hours for a minimum of five years. Members selected for CPD compliance audit will need to produce the records and supporting documents to verify their CPD activities. Learn more about keeping CPD record and find other FAQs on CPD here. |
New payment options for CPD event and programme |
We are excited to announce that the Institute has recently introduced AlipayHK and WeChat Pay as alternative convenient payment methods. Starting from August 2023, attendees and participants can now make seamless transactions using these popular payment gateway. With AlipayHK and WeChat Pay, you can enjoy a fast, secure, and user-friendly payment experience. Digitalize the way you pay! |
Upcoming webinars on ERP Implementation – Best Practices, Controls and Governance: |
Planning and mobilization |
CPD hour: 2 | 16 September |
Testing, data and business readiness |
CPD hour: 2 | 11 November |
Stabilization and post implementation review |
CPD hour: 2 | 9 December |
Design and blueprinting |
CPD hour: 2 | 14 October |
Training, cutover and go live |
CPD hour: 2 | 25 November |
How internal audit empowers corporate ESG development |
CPD hour: 1.5 | 29 August |
Workshop for audit managers/seniors in-charge |
CPD hour: 17.5 | 30 August, 1, 7, 11 & 13 September |
GPSSG webinar: Value for money audit – Enhancing public sector performance and accountability |
CPD hour: 1 | 5 September |
ESG Webinar: Green finance – Market development and opportunities |
CPD hour: 1 | 6 September |
Proposed company re-domiciliation regime in Hong Kong |
CPD hour: 1.5 | 12 September |
HKICPA/ CIMA joint virtual workshops – Risk management: Session 1: Enterprise risks |
CPD hour: 3 | 23 September |
HKICPA/ CIMA joint virtual workshops – Risk management: Session 2: Strategic risks |
CPD hour: 3 | 24 September |
Practice management series for SMPs: Measures to protect your organization from cyber threats |
CPD hour: 1.5 | 26 September |
IAASB's exposure draft for ISSA 5000, general requirements for sustainability assurance engagements |
CPD hour: 1.5 | 27 September |
HKICPA/ CIMA joint virtual workshops – Risk management: Session 3: Cyber risks |
CPD hour: 3 | 7 October |
HKICPA/ CIMA joint virtual workshops – Risk management: Session 4: Climate related risks |
CPD hour: 3 | 8 October |
HKICPA/ IIA HK joint webinars – Internal audit series: Establishing effective ESG controls |
CPD hour: 1.5 | 9 October |
Audit-cum-accounting training series (HKFRS 15, HKAS 36 and HKFRS 9) |
CPD hour: 1.5 each | 17 October, 15 & 20 November |
trategic risks
CPA Congress – Creating a pathway to advancement: Empowering enterprises for the future - Morning session (archived webinar) |
CPD hour: 3 |
CPA Congress – Creating a pathway to advancement: Empowering enterprises for the future - Afternoon session (archived webinar) |
CPD hour: 2.5 |
Annual taxation conference 2023 (archived session) |
CPD hour: 3 |
China taxation conference 2023 (archived session) |
CPD hour: 3 |
PAIB conference 2022 – CPA here and now: Sustain, transform & deploy |
CPD hour: 3 |
Entities listing on HKEX series – Insights on market research on listing |
CPD hour: 2 |
Soft skills series – Communication |
CPD hour: 1.5 each |
Free plus paid series: Technical training |
CPD hour: Various |
Managing risks related to PCAOB and SEC investigations (Part 2) |
Obtaining Certificate of Resident Status in Hong Kong: Revised application forms, requirements and practical cases sharing |
High level training course for young Hong Kong accountants (Second cohort) 香港青年會計師高端研修班 – 數字經濟與會計科技 (第二期) |
CPD hour: 15 | 31 Aug – 3 Sep |
The GBA Field Visit Series - Shenzhen |
CPD hour: NIL | 8 September |
ESG workshop on sustainability governance and risk management |
CPD hour: 4 | 25 September |
ICAC workshop on ethical decision making |
CPD hour: 1.5 | 12 October |
HKICPA/ CIMA joint virtual workshops – Risk management: Session 5 & 6: P3 Risk management syllabus |
CPD hour: 10 | 14 & 21 October |
Corporate finance series – Red flag alerts for Hong Kong listed companies |
CPD hour: 3 | 2 November |
Corporate finance series – Analyzing financial statements for accountants |
CPD hour: 3 | 8 November |
PRC property crisis – What is happening and what's next? |
Enforcement procedures in the British Virgin Islands and Cayman Islands: Practical tips to insolvency practitioners |
Professional enhancement programme in forensic accounting (re-run) |
ESG and Board-Shareholder Engagement in M&A |
CPD hour: 2 | 20 September |
Role of company director I: Overview of legal & regulatory framework |
CPD hour: 2 | 9 November |
Finance for directors |
CPD hour: 2 | 30 November |
HKIoD Directors' Symposium 2023 |
28 September. Organized by The Hong Kong Institute of Directors (HKIoD), the Directors' Symposium 2023 will showcase the insights of speakers of various industries on their visions and strategies in actions to "Transform for a Better Tomorrow". Fill in the online registration form and select "Project Partner Organisation Member" to enjoy the member rate. |
HKIB Annual Banking Conference 2023 |
26 September. Themed "Transforming Finance in an Uncertain Landscape", the Hong Kong Institute of Bankers (HKIB) Annual Banking Conference 2023 will focus on the fundamental forces driving change in the financial industry, including how geopolitical uncertainty, technology, regulation, and shifting consumer demands are influencing the sector's landscape. The Institute is one of the supporting organizations and Institute members can enjoy a discount rate of registration. |
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