This month at the Institute (22 September 2022) |
Training Needs Analysis |
The Institute conducted a Training Needs Analysis (TNA) via a survey and focus group discussions to better understand members' training needs. Read the summary of the TNA results and find out how the Institute is enhancing its continuing professional development (CPD) offerings to meet your personal training and development needs. |
Importance of CPD declaration |
Members are required to declare CPD compliance annually for membership renewal. As a reminder, CPD records in MyCPA on the Institute website do not equate to a declaration of CPD compliance, and members are still required to submit the CPD declaration with their Annual Return for Renewal. Failure to declare CPD compliance will result in non-renewal of membership. Click to learn more about CPD requirements and other FAQs on CPD requirements. |
A Plus – Value at stake |
The August issue of A Plus looks at how investor relations professionals can help companies to better engage with stakeholders and build long-term trust. Other articles include how Hong Kong is focused on cementing its status as a family office hub and how accountants can add value in this burgeoning industry; and interviews with James Liu FCPA, Finance Director, IKEA at DFI Retail Group Holdings Limited and CPA yogis. |
A Plus is going full digital |
As announced in June, the August 2022 issue of A Plus was the last issue to have physical copies, and the magazine will be shifting fully online starting from the September 2022 issue as part of the Institute’s commitment to net zero carbon emissions. Members will continue to have full access to the magazine through the digital, pdf and flipbook versions with timely enhancements to the user interface. The magazine will also shift towards a quarterly publication schedule starting next year. The last monthly publication will be the October 2022 issue with the first quarterly issue coming in January 2023. |
IT Virtual Conference 2022 |
Annual Auditing Update 2022 |
Join the virtual conference on 22 October to learn about how to succeed in the new digital era. A panel of speakers from different background will share their insights on the latest developments of technology in Hong Kong, as well as on future trends, developing a data mindset, experience on artificial intelligence and cloud applications in their organizations, and more. |
The Annual Auditing Update Conference 2022 themed "Strengthening Trust and Audit Quality" will be held on 29 October. The speakers will share the updates on projects of International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board, International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants, the Code of Ethics etc. Register now. |
Business Valuation Programme |
The Business Valuation Programme for new valuation specialists or those interested in the specialization will be held in October to November. The programme will provide insights into the valuation of various assets, including an understanding of valuation techniques commonly used in valuation for transaction purposes and fair value measurement requirements for financial reporting purposes. Enrol now. |
2022 CIA Challenge Exam – A fast track to attain the CIA designation |
The Institute, in partnership with The Institute of Internal Auditors, is pleased to offer members the 2022 CIA Challenge Exam – a fast track way for Institute members to attain the globally recognized Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) designation. Click here for further details and submit applications by 30 September. |
The abridged minutes from the August Council meeting are now available for members to read. Login to your member’s account to view them. |
Latest offers of merchandise discounts |
Enjoy exclusive offers and discounts for members from our Merchandise Discount Programme. Below are some of our latest offers: |
Personalized care with a special $240 discount on treatments. |
Rehabaid Society |
Special discount for rehabilitation services and Chinese medicine services. |
Up to 25% off special discount offer on selected PC and electrical products. |
Sports and recreational events |
Table tennis doubles team league |
Congratulations to Kelvin Chong, Victor Chiu, Debbie Lam and Andy Wong who won the Table tennis doubles team league which concluded on 28 August. Click to see full results and photos. |
Other upcoming activities |
Date: Novemober – December |
Install the HKICPA Events app |
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