As one of the initiatives put forward under the Strategic Plan 2023, the Institute is exploring the potential of offering interim qualifications at different recognition points of the Institute’s Qualification Programme (QP). Currently, the only interim recognition point of the QP is after the Associate Level. Student members are awarded a Certificate of Completion (HKICPA Associate Qualification) upon successful completion of the Associate Level (by exemption or examination). With the aim of providing further potential recognition points to QP students, a certificate could be awarded to QP students by recognition of their partial completion of the QP at an interim stage. This could potentially facilitate staff recruitment for employers by providing an understanding the competences attained by the candidate with the interim qualifications. An initial proposal for the design of the new Interim Qualifications (IQ) would require the completion of the QP Associate Level, the Introductory Workshop and any two of the four Professional Modules. This survey aims to collect the views of different stakeholders of the QP on the proposed IQ. All responses will be kept confidential. Your response will be useful to the Institute in gauging the market demand for the IQ. In this regard, we would appreciate if you could spare a few minutes to complete the survey. The survey is open until 7 November 2023. We appreciate your time and input on this important matter. |