Issue no. 7 (7 October 2009)

Mark Your Diary for RIF Annual Cocktail
Article: Structured Finance Policy "Flip Clause"
      is Valid under English Insolvency Law
Hong Kong Corporate Insolvency Manual
INSOL Update
Court Case re. Determination of s. 194(1A)
About Town
  Provisional Liquidators' Remuneration    
ORO Invites Tenders for Bankruptcy Work Your RIF Needs You!
Seminar on Cross Border Insolvency Click here for past issues of The IP's Voice
Mark Your Diary for RIF Annual Cocktail

RIF members should mark their diaries for the RIF annual cocktail on the evening of 12 November 2009, at the Hong Kong Club. The cocktail is traditionally a lively and well-attended function that enables members and guests with an interest in the field of insolvency to meet and chat in a more convivial atmosphere. Watch out for a separate invitation with further details.


Hong Kong Corporate Insolvency Manual

This second edition (2009) of the Hong Kong Corporate Insolvency Manual, authored by Stephen Briscoe and Charles D. Booth, and containing a foreword by Hon Madam Justice Kwan, addresses corporate insolvency developments in Hong Kong since the publication of the first edition in 2002. This is one of the principal course texts for the Institute’s diploma in insolvency and also a valuable resource for accounting and legal professionals working in the field, generally. In addition to expanding the discussion of many topics addressed in the first edition, the manual also includes additional chapters on two important areas – the new Mainland bankruptcy law and cross-border insolvency.

The manual can be purchased at the Institute’s counter on 27/F of Wu Chung House, CPA e-Shop or by mail order. The price is HK$580 per copy for Institute members, registered students & RIF members, and at HK$680 per copy for others.


Court Case re. Determination of s. 194(1A) Provisional Liquidators' Remuneration

The judgment made by Hon Justice Barma on 19 August 2009, in the matter of Sweetmart Garment Works Limited and of the Companies Ordinance (Cap. 32) (HCCW 755/2005), dealt with the issue of whether, upon the proper construction of sections 196(1A) and (2) of the Companies Ordinance (“CO”), the remuneration of private sector provisional liquidators appointed by the Official Receiver (“OR”), pursuant to section 194(1A), should be determined by the court or by the OR himself. 

The judgment summarizes the background to section 194(1A) and the interpretation of various provisions of the CO relevant to the remuneration of provisional liquidators appointed under section 194(1A). It illustrates that section 196(1A) does not have the effect of excluding the court’s jurisdiction to examine and fix the level of remuneration of a section 194(1A) provisional liquidator, which is to be assessed in the same manner as that of liquidators other than the OR, pursuant to section 196(2) of the CO, but having regard to the basis of remuneration fixed by the OR under section 196(1A).




ORO Invites Tenders for Bankruptcy Work

The Official Receiver's Office ("ORO") is inviting tenders by noon, 30 October 2009 for taking up appointments as provisional trustee under s.12(1A) of the Bankruptcy Ordinance (Tender Ref: OR/C/2009). Tender forms and further particulars can be obtained from the ORO, 10/F, Queensway Government Offices, 66 Queensway, Hong Kong. Additional information is also available on the "Tender Notice" page of the ORO website.


Hong Kong, 2 November 2009

A reminder that the Inter-Pacific Bar Association cross-border insolvency seminar entitled, “Asia - the eye of the financial storm?” will be held in Hong Kong on 2 November 2009, with a line-up of prominent speakers. RIF members interested to attend can refer to the flyer and the registration form for further details.


Article: Structured Finance Policy "Flip Clause" is Valid under English Insolvency Law

As part of the fall-out from the collapse of the Lehman Brothers group, the English court, in the case Perpetual Trustee Co. Ltd. v BNY Corporate Trustee Services Ltd. and Lehman Brothers Special Financing Inc. [2009] EWHC 1912 (Ch), has held that a clause which provided for the subordination of a swap counter-party's rights on its bankruptcy or default was valid as a matter of English law. This ruling is important in the context of structured finance and securitisation deals, many of which contain similar provisions to those analysed in this case. However, the English court’s decision has been appealed and the US bankruptcy court is to consider whether the clause infringes US bankruptcy law.

Further general information is contained in an article on the subject produced by Allen & Overy.


INSOL Update

INSOL International board meeting

The board of INSOL International met on 25 June 2009 in Vancouver, Canada. Click here to view a report of the key issues considered at the meeting.

Changes in board composition

At the INSOL board meeting on 25 June 2009, Mr. Robert O. Sanderson (KPMG, Canada) retired as president of INSOL. Mr. Sumant Batra (Kesar Dass B & Associates, India) and Gordon Stewart (Allen & Overy LLP, UK) representing R3 were elected as president and vice president, respectively, for a term of two years at the same meeting. RIF chairman, Mr. Johnson Kong (BDO Ltd.) was re-appointed as treasurer until 22 February 2010 and Mr. Stephen Darr (Mesirow Financial Consulting) representing the AIRA retired as a director.

The new president’s thoughts on the future of INSOL are summarized in the meeting report under the sub-heading “INSOL – The Future” (last item of the report).


About Town

The Hon Madam Justice Susan Kwan Shuk-hing, previously the judge in charge of the Companies and Bankruptcy List, has been appointed as Justice of Appeal of the Court of Appeal of the High Court, with effect from 28 September 2009. The RIF extends its congratulations to her.   

John Lees & Associates Limited has moved its office to 20th Floor, Henley Building, 5 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong. Telephone and fax numbers, and email address, remain unchanged.


Your RIF Needs You!

Do you have news that may be of interest to other members? Do you have personnel updates, new appointments that you wish to announce, or have you just set up a new firm in the insolvency field? If so, don't keep it to yourself, let other RIF members in on the news.

The RIF Editorial sub-committee welcomes articles and other contributions from members – a recent legal judgment or, perhaps, details of an interesting work assignment. Remember The IP's Voice is your newsletter and the voice of insolvency professionals in Hong Kong. If you would like to contribute a newsworthy item to The IP's Voice, see "Contact us" below.

Quick links:
The Institute's website
RIF webpages
Past issues of The IP's Voice
INSOL International

Contact us

For enquiries on the content of this e-newsletter, comments on consultations, submission of articles or newsworthy items, etc., please email Mary Lam, Assistant Director, Specialist Practices at: <>.


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